Dinner Talk

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"So where is your little Human, grandpa Grake? I thought I saw him earlier and then poof. Vanished like a creeper." One of the visiting villagers good naturedly pointed out.

Grake worriedly turned around and noticed his nephew Rangil going around and irritably adding more pots of stew, bread, and juice to the many tables set up for the celebration. His hands were full of goods and some were awkwardly pressed to his sides, too, as he did his best to balance it all.

At least, many of the families of villagers who came from Rangil's own village began to bring their own food, showing off their cooking skills to the visitors, turning the festivities into a sort of competition. Many of the visitors already found friends, who agreed to take them in for the night so they did not have to sleep out in the open or on Rangil's house floor.

"Rangil!" Grake called over. "Have you seen Hero? Or Margol and Tnul for that matter?"

"Yes. About an hour ago. I sent them to get more mushrooms and they brought some back. Why?"

"I haven't seen any of them, yet. I mean I've seen Margol and Tnul, but then they vanished, too."

"Oh, don't worry about them. They are probably playing with Terik and his group."

"No, Terik is right there with his family." Grake pointed to elder Haren's family where several villagers were discussing something with the esteemed elder, while Terik held his baby brother and rocked him, appearing completely enamored with the new child as he showed him off to his friends.

"Well, they're probably with Hero somewhere. I told them to watch him to make sure that he's following the rules." Uncle Rangil shrugged and moved on to the next table, setting down another pitcher and a bowl with long pieces of bread in it.

"Thank you." Someone among the visitors smiled at him and Rangil nervously nodded. He looked exhausted.

"Sit down, kari. Take a rest. You've been running around all afternoon." Grake said guiltily, watching the younger villager's shoulders and arms slumping.


"Yes, sit. No argument from you, child. Eat and rest. Let someone else handle the rest of the dinner taskings. Tain, Lug, help out for now." Visiting elder Jalil directed to the two of the younger villagers at the table and they immediately got up and began to take the things Rangil was carrying in his hands. He blinked at them with a lost expression, not sure how to react.

"Sit down. Sit down." They pushed him to sit down in their place and moved readily to the other tables, smiling as their relatives and friends welcomed them and the food they carried with laughter and cheerful voices.

Rangil sat down and slumped, a hesitant smile appearing on his pale face.

"Now, tell us more about your little Human. How old do you think he is?" One of the visitors asked curiously. Rangil exchanged an unsure look with Grandpa Grake and it was Grake who answered.

"Five or maybe six years old. We are not really sure. He was still a baby when I found him. And that was around four and a half years ago or maybe a little more."

The visiting villagers at Rangil and Grake's table exchanged a curious look. "He is so small. I thought he was only two years old. Or maybe even one."

"Humans must really age slower than we do, then." Another nodded his head.

"That's probably why they live so long."

"Yes, their aging process is slowed down compared to ours by at least a half, maybe even more. When did he start to walk?" Jalil prodded.

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