Chapter 37

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Days passed, and Vedis had still not been found

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Days passed, and Vedis had still not been found. Thorin had people searching for her constantly, but there was no sign of her in the mountain. Oreliell also had little luck getting in touch with her, not receiving any word through their mental connection. She was becoming more worried as the days went on. Thorin did his best to distract her, but he knew that her mind was frequently going to her sister.

That morning, they planned to step outside the mountain to check on the progress of the farmland. Weeks ago, the council approved the decision to begin farming on the hillside outside the mountain. Thorin had negotiated with Bard so that the two kingdoms could share the land and its profit. Now that the winter snow had melted, it was time to begin farming.

Thorin watched Oreliell smile in greeting to Bard. She also greeted the man and dwarrow that were going to be in charge of the farmland. Dwalin, Kili, Dís, and Tauriel had also joined them. Everyone seemed to be excited about the idea of readying the land for farming. But while Oreliell appeared to be attentive and engaged in the discussions and plans, Thorin knew her mind still drifted to her missing sister. He did not blame her. He was worried too.

Mani and Ordus - the human and dwarf responsible for the land - presented the progress that they had made since spring had come. They showed where they would be planting different produce and how they planned to maintain it. Thorin knew most of this information already since there had been many joint discussions about the plans for the land. He was happy to see that their planning was paying off. Soon, they would not have to rely so heavily on Mirkwood for their food and could focus more on sustaining themselves.

Thorin smiled to himself as he surveyed the land, picturing what it might look like in the coming months.

Bilbo would be proud, he thought in amusement. Should he ever visit the mountain again, the hobbit would be pleased to have fresh food to eat. Perhaps it would make up for when the company practically emptied his kitchen.

"Oreliell? Everything all right?"

Thorin turned at the sound of Kili's question. Oreliell was staring off toward the hillside, eyes trained on the rocks. He wasn't sure when she had left his side, but she stood a decent distance away from the group. She seemed distracted, her gaze intense, like she was searching for something.

"Gimlelul?" Thorin called. "What is it?"

Thorin saw his One's eyes widen and panic sweep over her expression.

"Get down!" she shouted.

Before the words had finished leaving her mouth, Dwalin grabbed Thorin's arm and dragged him down, shielding him with his own body. Thorin heard his friend grunt loudly above him and felt him stagger. Dís let out a cry of her own, making Thorin freeze up. He heard Oreliell shouting orders.

"What is happening?" Thorin demanded, trying to free himself from Dwalin's arms as they moved.

"Not now," Dwalin gritted out. "Just stay down."

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