Chapter 43

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Louis POV

Britney Kelly Franta died that day, in my arms.

I arrived at the funeral. My eyes red and sore from crying. I looked down at my nice black suit, I wanted to look perfect for her. She deserves the best. I sobbed in my seat waiting for the service to start.

"Everyone take your seats" her uncle said,

"We are gathered here today in loving memory of Britney Kelly Franta. Every time I saw that kid she had a huge smile on her face, but once that little girl grew up, she faced society and lost. Britney is one of my favorite people. Here are a few quotes she loved saying to people "Its us against the world" "Broken crayons still color" and my personal favorite "one day, someone is going to hug you so tight, it will fix your broken pieces" I loved Britney, as did all of you. But she wasn't happy here, you can't force someone to live a life they don't want to live. Briney I'd like to thank you for being there for me always, I wish I could have done the same. The only people she got close to where her brother Connor Franta, and her boyfriend Louis Tomlinson. Would either of you boys like to speak?" he asked tears rolling down his face,

Connor nodded and walked up there,

"Britney was my baby sister. She and I were quite close. When i realized I was gay, she was the first person I told. Her response was "I'm so proud of you Con, you have a right to be happy"  she was always amazing. When we were little, i was 7 and she was 5, she came up to me and said "why are so many people sad?" I looked into her innocent eyes and said "because they haven't found love yet," and she smiled and said "I must have found who I love, I'm very happy!" She was so upbeat and when she smiled the whole room lit up. All that changed about a year ago. She always had the most beautiful eyes, i-" Connor stopped not being able to go on,

My legs shook as I stood up and walked over,

"Britney was my girlfriend. Her and I have been friends for 17 years, I could honestly tell you stories about our friendship that turned into a relationship, but I won't, because like all amazing love stories our will die with us, as it should. But our love story was by far my favorite. I loved Britney, I still do, will also my heart. It won't be easy finding new love after Britney, I can't I'm going to, because I don't want any one other than Britney. I'd hoped to one day get married and have children with her, but sometimes dreams don't come true. " a dream is a wish your heart makes," that's a quote from a Disney movie. The Disney movie Britney and I watched on our first date, Britney, you're the one that I love, and I'm saying goodbye. R.I.P Britney Kelly Franta."

End of book


That's the end, there will NOT be a sequal. hope you all enjoyed the story

Stay strong beautifuls,

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