Chapter 9

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Britney's POV (A\N you read that right ☺)

My eyes fluttered open. I looked at my surroundings, I'm in the hospital. Lou asleep behind me, mom and dad asleep across the room, and Connor asleep on the floor. I grabbed Louis phone. Same old pass code 4114. August 17th, 3:12 am. Damn I've been out for a month and a half. I sighed locking his phone and setting it back down, I only wanted to check the date, not go through his phone. I saw all the suicide notes I'd written opened, Lou would want me to wake him.

I gently set my hand on his he jolted up.

"Britney!!!!" He screamed hugging me tight as my family woke. They all ran over hugging me and kissing my forehead.

"I love you so much Britney Kelly Franta, we all do" mom said

"Why did you want to die?" Connor blurted

"Con-" I started

"No, tell me. I've slept in this god damn hospital room the last month and a half the least you can do it tell us!" Connor yelled

"I didn't ask you to!" I fought back.

"Well then who made me stay?" He yelled running out

"Hun, you don't have to share as long as you don't try this again." Dad said

They ran after Connor leaving Lou and I alone.

As soon as the door shut his lips were on mine.

"I've always loved you back Brit." He said

After letting go we sat in a comfortable silence, he crawled next to me on the hospital bed.

"Connor hates me now." I said randomly

"I don't think he hates you, i just think he's relived. But angry at himself for leaving town while you were upset"


Okay so it wasnt that long . Ah wellBritney and Connor next chapter
Will be great.
Stay strong beautifuls,

Save her ♡Complete♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang