Chapter 24

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Louis POV

Britney and I went to get the kids for the funeral.
Britney went in and got them. She walked out holding Doris and ernist and all the girls where excitedly to her. They really like her. She is going to be a good mom, hopefully to my kids, those will be cute fetuses.

We drove and soon arrived at the funeral, all the girls went to speak with various family members while Doris and Ernest went with my aunt and uncle. Britney and I just had small talk with my second cousin..... Everyone was dressed in black, Britney was wearing a beautiful black dress with a black cardigan to cover her scars.

After the whole funeral my cousin who is my age came up behind us. He is kind of a pervert.

"Zayum baby girl, i noticed you in the service. Take this jacket off, let's see them sexy shoulders" he said grabbing Britney's sweater, ripping it off revealing her scars. Britneys eyes filled with tears as she tried covering her scars with her hands, but didn't do such a good job.
That must be horrible, hiding your scars then having them publicly shown.

"Never mind, ew. I hate weak people"  he winced throwing her jacket back.

I walked up and punched him knocked him to the ground. I repeatedly hit him.

"Fuck you, she is beautiful" I said in between punches, my uncle ran over pulling me off,

"Boys Boys. " he said

"I looked at Britney, tears streamed down her face, she had put her jacket back on, she had lifted up the sleeve a little so she could see a few scars, she ran her fingers over the few showing, the look of shame on her face.

"I'm gonna get going. Bye babe, love you..." She says running down the road.

I asked my uncle to give my sisters a ride home, he nodded and I ran after Britney. I caught up quickly, because her legs have gotten weak since she began cutting.

I didn't say anything, I just ran up and hugged her tightly, but not too tight.

She tried to hide the fact she was sobbing, the only problem was I could feel her tears of sorrow on my shoulder.

"Lets go home."

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