Chapter 34

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Louis POV

My dad called me boo bear, he made it up. I hated when people called me it, because it brought back so many memories. In my dreams he was with me, almost every dream, he was there.

Britney was there when my dad died, nobody else was. I liked when SHE and only she called me boo bear. It held me down,  like a rock.

She was my rock.

Then Lottie knocked and entered.

"Lou? Grandma needs you to watch Ernist and Doris while she takes me and the girls to get out nails done." She said.

"O-Okay, bring them up here please." I said

She nodded and brought them up.

They soon left leaving me with Doris and ernist.

Not long after they began screaming and crying. An hour later they still wouldn't stop. Britney is so good with kids. I need her,
I began to dial Britney's number. Then I heard the door open.

"Louis?" I heard Britney call, thank god,

"Up here!" I called, soon my beautiful Britney appeared in the doorway, Im not sure if we're dating or not.....

She read the confused look on my face, then walked over and grabbed ernist. And within 2 minutes he was calm.

Then she set him down in his crib and then took Doris from my arms and calmed her down then set her next to ernist.

"Thank you" I breathed.

"I'm pretty awesome!" She smiled, wait she's acting weird. She's smiling and making jokes.

"Hell yeah you are"

Save her ♡Complete♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang