Chapter 32

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Britney's POV

I drove myself to the bridge, I soon arrived I stood on the edge and looked down at the raging water, preparing myself to jump. Cars drove by clearly not giving a shit about the typical society ruined teenager about to die.

I hear a loud scream and I turned around seeing a girl with bright blonde hair roll out of a moving car, the car slammed on the breaks. It was Lottie. I looked awful, my mascara was running slightly, my hair was a mess, but Lottie on the other hand, looks perfect.

"What are you doing?!" She cried running to me, grabbing me in her arms,

"I'm ending it, I'm sorry Lottie." I sobbed quietly

"no Britney please, you may not know this, but Louis loves you so much more than he loves himself. And you know how confident he gets." She sobbed giving me a sad smile as we let goof the long hug.

Then Daisy ran over pulling Phoebe behind her.

"Lottie, Lou says-" they started "Britney?!" They cried running up to us.

"What's wrong?" Phoebe asked, the innocent look in her little eyes.

"Nothing my dear, just enjoying the view" I lied to let her keep the innocence she has.

"Daddy enjoyed the view too, he went and joined the view!!" She said and thats when I realized I couldnt leave the Tomlinsons I'm all they have left.

"Please don't enjoy it as much as daddy did"

"I won't my love," I promised as Louie ran up.

"I couldn't help you but a 8 year old could?" He said angerly.

Lottie took the girls to the car.

"You both did! She opened my eyes to what would happen after! She reminded me without saying it, how you guys were after- uh well after-" I stuttered

"Stop stuttering and tell me!" He yelled

"I can't say it....." I said softly

"Just please tell me" he said

"Lou i don't think it'd be good" I said, Lou and his dad were really close.

"Tell me!" He yelled

"About how upset you all where after your dad.... Died," I said looking at my feet,

"Why would you bring that up?" He yelled crying

"Your sister did! You fucking yelled at me to tell you!" I yelled

"Babe, I'm sorry about your dad," I said softly, walking closer to him.

"Can we just stop the subject please," he cried

I leaned foreword and hugged him. He hugged me as if he'd never see me again.

"Please don't be upset with me, your the best thing I have." He sobbed quietly.

"I could never hate you"

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