chapter 17

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Britneys POV

I needed to see Lou, I ran out the door before anyone could question it.

I began running to his house. My legs felt weak, my scars and cuts burned, when I was half way to his house I collapsed.
My body burning. My body seemed to weaken,  I couldnt run anymore.

I hear a sob, I sob I never want to hear. Louis.

"Britney" he breathed

I looked up to see a tear stained Louis.

"Louis" I said tears streaming down my face, he immediately sat on the ground next to me hugging me tight.

"What are you doing here?" I asked hugging him tight, as if id never see him again.

"I need you Britney, I missed your hugs, your kisses. And the way your smile lit up the room. I need your love Britney. Ive been a mess without you?" He said sobbing as he held me tight. So tight a few of my cuts began bleeding.

"Louie, I-I -" I chocked, he let go noticing the blood stains on my shirt. Then everything went dark .

Save her ♡Complete♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora