Chapter 29

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Louis POV

I woke up to an empty bed, I got up and checked the bathrooms, she wasn't there

"Hey Lou" she said hiding her tear stained face,

I went up and hugged her,.

"I love you baby girl, more than anything." I said softly releasing of the hug.

"I love you too." She said

"I'll miss you" she said hugging me as tight as her fragile body would allow.

"Then don't leave" I said tearing up.

"I can't live anymore Lou. Sometimes the bad things out weigh the good" she replied letting go of the hug.

"Baby you have to grab onto the good things," I said grabbing her hands"

"I-I can't Lou." She said kissing me before running into the bathroom locking it,

"Britney please, don't leave me" I sobbed pounding on the door.

No response

"Britney, you are my world, I don't want to leave with out you, to me its a worthless world without my beautiful Britney by my side. Please don't leave me beautiful, because if you killed yourself, my love I'd kill myself soon after, I try my best to make your life a life worth living. I love you Britney," I said into the door

The door opened revealing her. Her face was tear stained and there were many fresh cuts on her arms. I grabbed her and held her in my arms not caring about the blood getting on my clothes. My clothes can be replaced, my Britney however, can't.


Its 1 am right now I've updated (not including this one) 13 times yesterday and one for far today Hope you like the story so far

Stay strong beautifuls,

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