"What about me Skyler?! She made my life miserable! She ruined everything!" She yelled veins popping on her neck in anger. 

I glared at her even more my hands forming into a fist. For her to say Hailey was the one hurting her, abusing her, bullying her for all these years irritates me. Not only does she dismiss what she's been doing is wrong she turns it around and makes it about her. I would never thought the first time I met Jessica she would turn out like this because she wasn't this reluctant to hurt Hailey nor was she ever cruel and mean. She was once a nice girl I thought I would easily fall in love with but something changed. Frankly I just don't care anymore, I stopped caring about her. 

"She hasn't done a thing to you and I don't care if she has all I care is what you have been doing to her for the past years." With that I walked away my brain pounding against my skull at the conversation we had.

I stood in front of the door and sighed her horrified face flash over my face when I saw her. The minute she ran off my feet seem to follow her in instinct.   

I crouch over and took out a pin and trying to unlock the door. Once I open the door my eyes land on her. I found her the wild pound in my chest settled down when my eyes settled on her. I didn't realized the heavy weight on my chest until it faded away. 

I close the door quickly and locked not wanting drunken people interrupting that will cause Hailey to be more upset. 

As I lower myself in front of her my frown deepened seeing her face. Her eyes red and glassy and simply tired. I see a new rush of sadness washing over her tears rising up, her lips trembling and as hard as she try to keep it inside she couldn't. Before the tears fell I raised my hand and swiped it my eyes softening. 

"What are you doing here?" Her voice husky. 

I hate the way she sounded so worn out, so sad from all of this.

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows came together in confusion. "I would never leave you here." I spoke softly. 

"Oh." Was the only response I got from her.

I search her face trying to figure out what she is thinking. Did she really think I would leave her in Jessica's house after what she did to her? Did she really think I didn't care about her? 

The moment I knew I cared about her was when we were 15. She was always in her own little world, unfazed about anyone around her. She never realizes how beautiful she is even now, boys would look at her but she would never see them look at her that way. When Mac and his group of friends were in the locker joking around about taking a bet to get Hailey's virginity something in me snapped. I walked straight to Mac and broke his nose and I told him and his friends if anybody ever harm Hailey in any way I will kick them off the soccer team. That's when I truly understood that I cared for her, I cared for this girl I don't even know. 

She walked around oblivious of her beauty and that's both scary and purely innocent. 

I recognized the pain written all over her face as she stare back at mine and all I want to do is erase it away. No force on earth can make this feel alright, to make her feel better. 

"I know something that can make you feel better." My eyes flicker over to the big gold and cream bathtub. 

Her eyes followed mine widening slightly, she shook her head immediately. 

"No way are we going to take a bath in Jessica's house." She shook quickly. 

"Oh come on! This will be great." I stood up turning on the golden handle and blocking the drain. 

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