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Day 1 Level 2

As they passed through the door the noises of the entities ceased.
They looked around.
They were in a long corridor like the maintenance ones.
Some sort of engine oil was dripping from the sides of the walls and in the distance they could hear a background noise like if a machine was working.
They walked for hours in that boundless place, the only consolation was the occasional presence of a door, sometimes closed, other times leading to an empty, dark room.
Matthew didn't have the slightest idea how to get out of there and neither did Frank.
Every now and then they could hear thuds coming from a point indistinctly far from behind them.
- What do you think they are? Matthew asked
- I thought you knew. - Frank replied.
- Better speed up then, whatever it is seems to be getting closer. We should find a door soon or we'll be stuck here. -
- Couldn't we go through the wall like we did with the elevator? -
- It's difficult, and we would probably be caught up before we succeed. -
- What do you think it is? -
- I don't know and I don't want to -
As they made their way down the corridor they heard a loud noise coming from behind them.
They turned to find the figure of a skinned dog with white pupils.
- Run! - was the only thing Frank managed to say before taking off running, followed by Matt.
They felt the beast getting closer and were almost upon them when they found the end of the corridor.
Next to the door there was a written: "This way :-)" with an arrow pointing to the door.
Matt didn't trust it, but they had no choice but to go through another door.
And so they did.

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