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Day 1 Level 1

In front of them there was an illuminated hall with the walls made out of white concrete.
At the end of the hall there was an emergency door like the ones in the parking lots.
Walking fast they arrived at the end of the hallway and opened the door.
Behind it there was an underground parking lot.
- Where are we? - Frank asked
- I think we've just changed level - said Matthew.
When their sight adapted to the dark they noticed that there was some sort of water coming from above.
The ceiling was some centimetres above their heads.
They walked for a bit until they found some stairs that were taking to a floor  above them.
When they looked behind the wall it seemed like it was the same as the one below.
At that moment Matt started feeling thirsty so he drank a bit of the new water he found before.
It was really good and refreshing, he suggested to Frank to drink it and they agreed it was really good.
When they were still talking about the almond water an undistinguished sound from behind them made them shut up.
Matt looked in that direction and saw something moving: - Stay silent and move slowly, follow me -
Frank followed him and slowly they made their way to the other side of the parking lot.
When they reached the wall they started looking for other doors.
Thsi time the sound was nearer, they looked back and saw what was making that sound.
It was touching the ceiling and looked at them right in the eyes.
It was made out of two eyes and a mouth that was making a creepy smile.
When it saw them it started running towards them.
Frank screamed: -Run!-
With that scream he only attracted more of those things.
While running they found a door.
The entities were nearly enough near to catch them.
They opened the door and that closed right behind them.

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