15 2 0

Day 1 Level 0

- Where the fuck are we? - exclaimed Frank with visible fear.
- I think we managed to enter the backrooms - said Matthew while watching out of the elevator.
The moldy yellow on the wall was everywhere except on the ceiling where there were old lamps that made a fuzzy sound.
Matthew looked behind: Frank was pressing repeatedly all the buttons trying to get back, but nothing was happening.
- I think we're stuck - said Frank looking nervously around.
- Maybe it's better if we walk away - suggested Matthew.
But when they started moving some steps out they turned back their heads to see that the elevator was missing.
-We couldn't go back anyway - noticed Matthew, Frank was too scared to speak.
After a few minutes of walking around he said: - How are we going to exit? -
- Through the levels -
- How many are there? -
- I don't know, a few are safe, most are dangerous -
Matthew looked back and saw that they haven't gone very far.
Soon the walls became repeatedly and boring making any curious agglomeration something appreciated.
Sometimes on the carpet there were some words other times there were drawings suggesting the suffering of the other wanderers that arrived there before.
Soon he got thirsty so stopped and grabbed the backpack, there weren't many resources so he drank a little bit of water and so did Frank.
And it was at that point that Matthew noticed in the distance a zone where the lights seemed not to work that they haven't seen before, asking himself if Frank noticed it too said pointing in the dark area: - Look over there -
- Yeah I think that maybe it's better if we don't go there - suggested Frank with apprehension.
They went away a little bit scared from what they've just seen.
After a bit they arrived in another part that was composed of 3 walls with at the centre something...
Frank took it and brought it to Matt.
- It seems to be something in a can, like a sprite...- then he read the label -... It says "almond water". What is this?-
- I don't know. - Matt replied - Put it in the bag and continue walking. -
After a while they found a door like the ones in the parking lots.
- Probably takes to another level. - proposed Matthew.
- Yeah, maybe. Should we go? -
- I don't think we have much possibility -
So they approached it and slowly opened it....

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