💫Eldest (Karna and Pandava)

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This story is set in an AU , where Karna never lied to his teacher nor he  found it necessary to participate in the Kalapradarshan of the Kuru princes.
Years later , Pandavas comes to know about their eldest brother from their mother , that too right before the Kurukshetra war. As Krishna insisted on letting them know about their brother.


Yudhishthir never thought he would ever get a shoulder to lean on; to have a shade over his head where he could carelessly rest under. But when those words left his mother's mouth, he has been dazzled in the light of a revelation that it burns slightly. They had always had her presence and blessings with them growing up, while their eldest was deprived of it since he was a new born.He sadly realised , she never trusted them enough to tell them about her first born.

Arjun was an emotional wreck , but he knew he had to keep all of it together for later..
How was his brother ? Does he knows weaponry? Is he a king ? Prince? Or  working class? What was his childhood like ? Did he had to go through a lots of hurdles to survive in this strict society without a specific identity? If so, will their brother ever be able to forgive the family of his?
Will he accept them? What will he think when he get to know about the Pandavas who bet their wife? Will he hate them??
Arjun didn't knew the answer to any of these questions.

Bheema was worried nonetheless, if their eldest didn't knew weaponry, he will protect him from their cousins.
From every accusations and harm.
Bheem resolved firmly. But what kind of a person would their eldest be? Would he need 5 grown up men as his younger brothers at this point?
He didn't knew..

Nakula was known for his handsome features among the brothers, and also among the whole Aryavarta.
He wondered if their eldest be as good looking as him? He has heard Krishna earlier.
'He is as radiant and valiant as the Sun god. He is kind and generous.
He will understand and accept, may be not so immediately, but eventually for sure.'
Seems like Krishna has already met their eldest. They trust Vasudev, if he says his 'Vrisha' (what Krishna addressed him as) , is a good man , then there shouldn't be an argument about it. Still , will their elder brother accept them , they never met him.. all five of them lived the life of royals; and their brother, well he don't know how the son of Radha survived the currents of Jhanvi mata.

Every little pore of his intuition said there would be a matter of concern approaching them soon, Sahadev didn't knew what kind of a concern it would be. A pleasant one or a disastrous one. Well he haven't nailed it yet, May be after meeting their Jyesht, it will become clear. They have went through a lot , he didn't knew if they have to drag their eldest to this mess.. will he be willing to embrace us and bless us in such a vulnerable stage?! Will he forgive his mother , will he accept his brothers, who has only a broken heart and a raging mind , armed with revenge and shoulders burdened with sorrow and injustice. No!! Sahadev don't have any excuse to give his heart to calm it down and make it hope and wait for the day their brother would accept them. What a fate?! His dear brother Yudhishthir wouldn't have to carry such heavy burden of guilt, if our eldest were there to give him a hand , but fate, it was written in a shrink and withered palm leaf when it came to them.


They were all traveling to west, now passing through a vast grass land. Krishna was ahead and rest of the brothers followed him closely on their respective horses.
Vasudev has said their eldest lives in a land which belongs to no kingdom.
It was an abandoned land , now called Advaya bhoomi , an untouched valley of Vindhyas , other side of the mountain was the  prosperous land of Avanti.
Avanti never tried to capture the place and neither did any other Kingdoms were brave or bothered enough , as the valley was secured from all four directions by dense forest occupied by tribes and predators. Karna, after his education has roamed around the entire aryavarta and was disheartened by the thick skulled society and it's barbarian rules.

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