✨Sibling goals✨(Karna & his celestial siblings)part 1

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"There is nothing that is 'supposed to be',Everything is according to the one ,  who is willing to go against every wall that rise in their way to reach what they think is supposed to be theirs..."


A fight with his friend Ashwathama was the last thing he wanted after a grumpy day. Since the eventful Swayamvar of Yagyaseni, he was being persuaded by both his friends and his sisters - Dushala and Bhanumathi , to find someone as his life partner without much delay.
He doesn't know how to escape this verbal hurricanes.

Everyone was present at Hastinapur as it is the arrival of pandavas along with Mata Kunti and Hastinapur's new Kulvadhu next day , to grace the land of Kuru's, once again.

Karna knew they were alive, even before Arjun has once again proved his Superior Archery skills at the Swayamvar of Agnisuta. He has went to Varnavrat expecting to know what he heard was just a lie. He didn't wanted them to die like that. Definitely not, when Rajmata Kunti was in there too. He respected and loved her to no extend to even think about such a horrible death upon her.
He doesn't like to admit that, the mother of his Arch rival was like a mother to him. When he reached there, the 'palace of lakh' was already on fire , but on further detailed search around the palace - something he did just incase to find a trace of their escape, to calm his shattered burning heart (even though he wouldn't admit it ) like a last lantern of hope , he found 6 people in a comparatively larger coracle crossing the river.

He was walking aimlessly out of the palace , and was brought back to present when he bumped to someone with a familiar scent and a huge stature . He looked up to meet the violet-wine coloured orbs of his eldest brother!!

Jyesht ! What are you doing in the palace premise? And why on earth are you roaming around here?!

Karna enquired in haste.

Well I came to visit you. Now, am I not allowed to visit my little brother?

Yamraj knew the reason behind such anxious query , but he acted like he didn't.
All his siblings except the youngest of Suryalok ,has harmoniously agreed on one thing ,
- to defend their youngest.
It's been so long since Shani has agreed with him on something without even an ounce of opposition, And Yama is more than glad to be a part of a sibling plan after so long.

The unannounced appearance of Yamraj in the palace premise of Hastinapur was the last thing he expected to happen , may be karna didn't even thought about such a possibility until now.
Celestials weren't allowed to interfere in mortal lives.
Karna was confused as much as he was worried.

Are you here to take someone to your Abode?! Is anyone dieing tonight?
Then why can I see you? Is it me?
Oo ... took you long enough.. let's go then !!!

Karna was going on ranting about the yamraj being either too late or just early.
Yama finds it adorable, when his little brother is just blabbering blunders with no care of the world around.
Karna met Yama at the middle of the pavement that led to the palace entrance  from the front gate.
Now the soldiers at the gate were giving them looks.

When did he came in? Did you see him going in?
Wondered one of the soldiers.

No. I thought you were the one to let him in.!
Another among them responded.

3 of them walked in to get the man out of the palace gate , who dared to enter the Hastinapur palace grounds without permission.

I should leave before they start complaining,I really don't intend to put you in trouble, brother. So if you are willing to visit Shani at the palace's gate tomorrow , I would like to take my leave.

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