A journey to the East (krishna & karna)

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This shot story is an interaction between Krishna and Karna , after karn relinquished the throne of Anga after Pandava's departure to Indraprastha (then Khandavaprasth).

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Sun tracing it's way up to the sky kissing each surface of earth it saw with his first rays. A chariot dragged by 3 horses headed leisurely through the damped paths of forest to the nearest banks of Yamuna.

Yamuna, a eternal lover she is ; she nourished everything in her reach and flourished every little glimpse of love and happiness.
Her naughty waves brushed smoothly over her youngest brother. There in the midst of the giggling waves stood Karna offering prayers to his father.

The chariot came to a halt at this sight.Yamuna's waves realised her lover's presence, Krishna the extension of a beautiful dark sky hoped down his chariot to the ground gracing the land with his delicate feet.
A gentle breeze passed soothing every being near the Lord. Krishna's gaze went to his friend who was now half dipped in water . Keshav stepped forward and collected a hand full of water , Yamuna caressed her beloved's feet with her waves. They stood there acknowledging eachother's love and admiration for a while . Until Karna decided to interfere.

"I see that you finally decided to pay a visit , Keshav ! "

"I heard that you gave up the Throne of Anga , So what about your friendship with Bhratha Duryodhana?!"
Krishna enquired.

Karna after securing the shore off the river, wrapped a dry white shawl over his shoulder and gestured Krishna for a walk.

"I see that you are very well updated,
I have definitely relinquished the throne of Anga , I hope my friend would understand the intention behind my impulsive action."

Karna had always been a person to think and analyse every details of a situation before jumping into a conclusion. This time he just did what he felt right after his conversation with the Rajmata of Hastinapur - Kunti , Karna respected her enormously just like his Radhama .

"So shall I assume that my friend has finally decided to look over to the right side of the equation"
Krishna quipped.

"Oh Jayantha! you know exactly there is nothing called right and wrong , but just our illusions , What seems right to you might be wrong to me , you might not want to accept what I understand. you have a different way of looking into things, so do I. We all have different eyes , and even among them , both has different range and perspective, so what each eye catches will be an entirely different view of a single situation. There is no specific shape or set of virtues for reality, our reality is what we see and what we feel . My reality is what I deem as reality ,which might just be an illusion made out of my contradictions . otherwise, to see the only reality I shall loose all my senses and merge into that one existence to feel me being the reality and the only reality being me as well... So what am I , a mere human, deemed to walk on this earth in search of my reality is supposed to see in this world of illusions... Enlighten me Janardhana , where shall I seek for the right side!?"
Karna let all his worries out to his trusted friend , his vulnerability out in light for his friend to embrace.

Krishna looked at his Vrisha with an amused smile;
"Why don't you follow your heart? Vaikarthana!"

"Then I shall follow what you say"
Karna added with a mischievous smile.

Krishna laughed out loud
His sweet giggles creating a sinfully melodious composure in the air.
Karna felt a pure bliss seeing his Keshav laugh.

"So , what are you planning on doing Vrisha ? Here after you don't have to withstand the burning heat of a throne and burden of a crown."
Krishna added.

"Anga's people were some sweetest of human beings I met, so being with them wasn't burning at all , but I admit a crown is definitely not so comfortable. I would want to travel a lot , go around and help someone I could , visit more places , know more people , see more lives , try and be a little part of it all and learn something from it.. , hopefully it goes well." Karna said , his voice peaked with enthusiasm.

Krishna turned all his attention to his friend with a gentle smile , he loved it when the ever-so-calm-and-composed Vrisha become excited like a child about littlest of the things. Keshav loves to see his friend free and liberated from all burdens and talk about his likes and dislikes and about the less complicated family of his.
Keshav love to hear stories from Karna as much as Karna enjoyed listening to whatever Krishna has to say. They enjoyed their once-in-every-while picnics to mountain tops and horse rides and they cherished all the Makhan they shared ...

"So beautiful are those amber eyes , when they are full of life and warmth , they resemble the horizon at dusk and dawn" - Krishna thought

They sat there at eachother's comfortable presence . Musing over nothing and everything...


That's it...
Will update more if you liked this idea , please let me know 😊
Requests are open , I will definitely try to give words to your ideas if I am capable enough to do justice to your ideas😁

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