To tell her 💕( Arjun/Subhadra)

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Dedicated to Smrtimandhanna


Should he apologise, or ...

One of the greatest of the warriors of all time, felt like the world was too big for him and he was just too small... He wanted to hide somewhere.

Madhav has invited him to Dwaraka. After the establishment of Indraprastha, the ruckus of finishing all works on time was definitely taking all his time and energy. He was in charge of maintaining army and defence related issues, keeping the borders in check was a tedious task. Especially for a newly established Kingdom.

With an exhausted month tossed behind him , he headed towards Dwaraka; to the heaven on earth. For Parth it was his safe place, no worries and no unwanted formalities.
Well he didn't expected Subhadra to be at the entrance along with his friend Madhav. 'Why didn't he think about this matter earlier?!'

He hasn't sent a letter to her over a good 3 years. Wonder Why? Because he was in his incognito after the Varnavrat incident then their marriage with Draupadi and now establishment of Indraprastha has taken all his attention and he had absolutely forgotten about his
love-Subhadra. Well not 'forgotten' exactly , just dragged between too many things and all of it had him worn out enormously.

Now looking at her huge expressive eyes , he could conclude one thing - she was upset with him.

Why did you halted at the gates Partha? Don't be so abruptly zoned out , come forward.
Madhav ushered him inside like the good friend he is;

'did he not notice , well .. it's better that way.
Arjun thought to himself, not knowing his friend having every bit of idea of what ever is going on. Oh boy how wrong our Arjun was.

Ensure that the Prince of Indraprastha has all accomodations arranged in the most appropriate manner . Don't leave anything out, I don't need any complaints from the Prince regarding the hospitality provided here.
Subhadra ordered the maids. Her anger out of sorrow taking the best of her. Arjun almost winced at the sharpness.
She was never like this. Not at all bossy , not even to the maids. She was a sweetheart, and that's what Arjun liked the most about her. She cared about everyone. But now seeing the princess of Dwaraka all authoritative, he gulped really hard.

'I alone am the core cause' , 'she is mad , because I failed to give her even an iota of the attention she deserves' , I am the reason she is upset' and 'she is never gonna be the same with me ever again ' , 'does she hate me now' 'doesn't she consider me atleast as a trusted friend ' ...' This is so messed up than it seems ' , how could I be so careless', 'she will never love me the same ever again' , ' may be she have already moved on from me' , what if she hates me , what if she is here just because of formalities?!' his thoughts continued to give him suggestions
'SHUT UP' he bit down on his cheeks to suppress the urge to scream at the top of his lungs. And slowly he started.

He mentally face palmed himself as Subhadra snapped her head to look at Arjun with a fierce eyes.
He zipped the idea of 'talking-to-her-about-anything-now' shut , and

I wonder where Madhav has wandered off to.. let me check on him.
Said Partha as he looked everywhere else other than meeting Subhadra's eyes, as he made his way past the Dwaraka princess 'in search of his friend'...

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