Dear Kalyani (Yudhishthir/Draupadi)

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Neither it was nervousness nor anxiousness that he saw on her face when his mother uttered those words in the middle of her prayers , it was pure horror, why wouldn't it be. That face still vivid in his mind ; ofcourse ,he himself couldn't feel his feet on ground as he heard those words leave his mother's mouth. The always calm and composed Yudhishthir felt his world slip from under his feet that day.

He will never be able to imagine the pain his Kalyani went through, while accepting the fate of marrying all five sons of Pandu. He wouldn't dare to imagine such a terrible feeling of being the wife to 5 men while she only wished for one husband.

Yudhishthir turned around to meet a Draupadi who was seated on the couch beside their bed, she was gazing at the night sky and twinkling stars through the window. Outside, the night was calm and composed but Dharmaraj's mind was crowded with all these thoughts. He felt suffocated ; he wanted to talk to her , wanted to assure her that he was there for her no matter what. That she don't have to take all this weights on her delicate shoulders alone, but can share all burdens of worries with him as well.

Panchali was trying with all her will to be good and impartial to all 5 of her husbands. It's not that easy, but she was born from fire and she believes she shall conquer all that would tie her down, so she will .
She was fond of stars , they shine so bright while burning from inside , she felt so attached to them. They adorn the sky so beautifully, and yet has their own beauty to stand alone with all pride.

She definitely felt a bit awkward at first , but months into this relationship, she is learning, to adjust , to keep them together, to be there for all of them , and her husbands were helping her in their own way as well.
Yudhishthir was always there as a calm support that she needed often , a presence that could convey a million soothing support without uttering a word.
Bheem as the strength and playfulness that always kept her child-self happy . He loved and appreciated whatever she cooked for them once in every while, and made silly jokes for her to laugh.
Arjun was always there to appreciate her every little efforts and considered her as the first priority.
Nakul would always talk about everything and anything, and will keep her company at anything related to dressing and jwellery.
Sahadev was a little bit introverted, so he has his own unique ways of making her feel special, he would recite poems for her , would talk about various topics around the world , and would listen to her opinions, likes and dislikes , would tell stories whenever she asked.

Now thinking about the decision of marrying all five of them , it seems like a good one. But she was tensed about one matter , will she ever become a problem that would seperate them , or will they ever leave her side even when they were near. She didn't knew , she didn't wanted to know . She doesn't know how to deal with something like that , a lone tear slipped out of her blue orbs.

In all these thoughts, she entirely forgot about Yudhishthir being in the room .
He felt his heart drowning, when a tear left his beloved's eyes.
He hurried to her side ,

"You know you can talk about anything to me , Kalyani."
A concerned Yudhishthir gently placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

'kalyani' , Drupad kumari loved that endearing name she got from Yudhishthir . She got out of her trance when she felt his hands on her shoulder.

"I - I was just musing over nothing , don't worry Arya."
Draupadi answered with so much love in her voice.
But Yudhishthir wasn't buying 'nothing' as an answer.

"Panchali , dear , I know time has been hard on you , and you hardly got any time to explore your choices, likings and comfort. But you got me by your side , I am all ears , share all that is worrying you dear."
Yudhishthir said while holding her close to him , like she would get lost in the crowd of thoughts if she sat a bit away.

Panchali was feeling a burden on her heart seeing the ever-so-stable Dharmraj having traces of tears in his eyes.
She leaned into his touch , rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him.

" Arya, I am worried if I will ever become the reason for you 5 brothers' seperation instead of being the reason for your stronger bond.
I am worried if all of my Husbands will forget me some day, even though my heart keeps saying that could never happen. I am worried if i will be a pain or a burden some day, for all 5 of you."
Yagyaseni couldn't hold back her tears, she wept on his chest and let all her worries out for him.

Yudhishthir was at lost of words , he didn't knew how to tell her that she was the reason why they are all now bounded in one string , if it wasn't for her, he might have feared a seperation between the brothers.

"Kalyani , you have been a blessing for all 5 of us , if it wasn't for you , I have definitely feared a seperation between all five of us may be not sooner but later.So don't you ever think that you would split us apart, because you ties our family together .And I don't think we will ever be so arrogant enough to abandon our Lakshmi , forgetting you would be equal to forgetting an entire half of ourselves. So don't burden your mind with such unwanted worries priye."

Yudhishthir gently caressed her head , running his finger tips through her thick black hair..
He washed her worries away with his touch and soothed her mind with his words. Draupadi slept peacefully in his embrace , with a satisfied smile on her face , hoping to always have this comforting hand over her head .

Yudhishthir smiled at her relaxed sleeping figure. He felt his heart at ease seeing her sleeping peacefully in his arms .

" I will fight all the stars at night
To find the lost shining in your eyes,
Will summon all the fireflies in this world,
To brighten up your world..."

They laid in eachother's embrace that night , chasing all worries away.


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