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  The two of them did not go to Dechen Western Restaurant. As soon as Rong Feng arrived at Zheng Ciyi's downstairs, she was immediately fooled into going to a shopping mall closest to home.

  Due to the recent turmoil, Zheng Ciyi has enjoyed the highest treatment in the industry - her whereabouts are closely monitored by paparazzi at all times. Rong Feng was still hesitant when he picked her up in the car: "Will there be any trouble?"

  Zheng Ciyi said: "I am dressed so casually, without makeup, and have no astrology at all. As long as we try to be careful, we shouldn't be caught." Pay attention."

  As she spoke, Rong Feng looked her up and down. Different from the long skirt and cheongsam she wore before, today she simply wore a white T-shirt and a pair of thin sweatpants. She was so clean and fresh that she looked like a woman. College Students.

  Zheng Ciyi noticed his gaze, hurriedly put on her sunglasses, and blocked his face with both hands: "Don't look, I'm not wearing makeup, and there's no color on my face."

  Zheng Ciyi's skin color is naturally white, and her qi and blood don't count. Well, when I don't wear makeup, I always look a little pale, and I look like I'm very unhealthy.

  She is used to wearing heavy makeup and light makeup. She is always a little unconfident without makeup. This situation is usually fine on weekdays, but I don't know what happened today. I feel guilty when Rong Feng looks at me like this!

  In fact, before she went downstairs, she carefully put on a little lipstick, Dior's 999. Although she applied it a lot lighter before leaving, was it still very abrupt?

  At this moment, Rong Feng suddenly reached out and took off her sunglasses, stared at her big eyes that were always wet, and smiled suddenly: "She looks pretty even without makeup."

  Women don't like to listen to obedient words. His eyes curved into crescents. She retracted her position and put her sunglasses back into place: "Then I will wear less makeup from now on."

  As soon as Zheng Ciyi and Rong Feng entered the shopping mall, Zheng Ciyi felt keenly that she might be being watched by the paparazzi.

  It was the holidays and the shopping malls were crowded with people coming to shop. When entering the door, Rong Feng naturally supported Zheng Ciyi to prevent pedestrians from bumping into her.

  Zheng Ciyi took this opportunity to tell him secretly. Rong Feng lowered his head and looked at her: "What should we do? Do we want to find a place to hide first?" "

  Their noses are sharper than dogs, where can they hide? "Zheng Ciyi thought for a while: "Don't be afraid, I came out with you anyway, not with some wild man."

  Rong Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard the last three words, and looked at her with a half-smile: "Wild man But it doesn't work for me. I can also cooperate with you to stir up the heat."

  Zheng Ciyi stuck out her tongue after being spoken to. Fortunately, he was just joking and not sarcastic, so she just laughed and said, "Yes, yes, you are the best. Uncle policeman."

  Rong Feng smiled and shook his head. After leading her into the mall, he let go of the hand holding her shoulders.

  Zheng Ciyi has been craving for Japanese food recently, but pregnant women cannot eat raw food. She specially ordered a big pot and cooked it vigorously. She put a bunch of fish and beef in it and cooked it before eating.

  Zheng Ciyi reluctantly stopped after eating until she had to hold on to the wall to go out.

  Lunch was paid for by the police uncle again, so Zheng Ciyi stood aside and handed out chewing gum. She felt that she was familiar with it, and she was very used to spending men's money.

After the actress became pregnant ( 影后怀孕以后 )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora