15 - end

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At last graduation day came.

Seriously, did the whole high school went in a blink of an eye?

Smoker, Kid and Killer came to see you on your graduation.

"So we've finally graduated. Can you believe it?" Zoro asked. 

"Yeah. I thought I may fail this year. But see, I passed with good grades." Ussop chimed.

"Only because Y/n san tutored you" Sanji said.

"That's true"

"Everyone come here. Photo time!"

You stood next to Law who put an arm around your waist (Earning a glare from papa Smoker), on your other side stood Sanji, Luffy on your shoulder, Zoro kneeled down, Ussop near him and Nami near him, Franky and Robin (they are the only couple in your friend group) stood near Sanji.

"Everyone say cheese!"




"So we all will be going in different paths now right?" Nami asked.

"Except me and Y/n san. We are going to same culinary school." Sanji chimed, and failed to notice a jealous Law.

"Cool. I'll be going for police training," Zoro said

"I am going for Martial arts training and be the king of all martial arts," Luffy announced.

"And I am going to be a great Sniper"

"I am going to study Navigation and draw the map of the world."

"I am going to study at my old man's place and create the world's greatest ship."

"I am gonna be a archeologist."

"And as you already know, I am going to Med school to become a surgeon."

You grinned widely, "Seems like we all chose interesting paths. Good luck everyone!"

"We'll keep in touch!" Luffy yelled.

Before going, you handed all of them a small box which contained a bracelet with their names carved. 

"Keep it safe!"

"We will."

"Law just a moment"

"What is it?" Law asked as you dragged him to a place with no one.


You suddenly kissed his cheek and ran off, yelling, "Wait for me will ya?"

Law, frozen and taking his time to process the things that happened, just nodded with a bright red face. 

And he turned around to see Corazon grinning , Smoker having a mixed expression of "should I kill him" and "My ship has finally sailed" while Kid glared at him. (They all were hiding behind a tree)

Well, that's a story for another day.







You then returned back your friends. You had a small grin in your face. Oh how I am going to miss this school, their bickering, last minute preparations and the fun you guys had. 

Mom, if you are watching me, Everything is ok now. You don't need to worry about your little girl anymore.

And I love you. 


Author's note


It's finally over! 

As usual, a special shoutout to all the people who supported me. 




And all others!


Now you guys better check out my others books too


1.Heartfelt  (Corazon x reader) (top fan favourite book of mine)

2. Sanji's sister x Zoro (second fan favourite.)

3. Love you Doc (Corazon x reader)

4. Romance at Baratie (Zoro x reader)


1. Recipe of love (Sanji x Reader) (my top non completed story)

2. The brightest star in the sky (kid x reader)

3. Me and You (Sanji x princess reader)


1. Emergency love (Kid x reader)

2. The way I see you (Shanks x reader)

Make sure to read em all!

Until my next book, Sayonara!

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