chapter eleven

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"Get off of me!"

I yell at him as he pins my wrists above my head. Streams of tears fall down my face. I struggle beneath him when I feel his hand travel up my thigh and on my vagina. I kick him, but he doesn't react. Instead, he pulls my strap down my shoulder and I scream, but he covers my mouth. I bite his hand and he slaps me, triggering more tears to fall. He takes the opportunity and pulls down my other strap.


"I said no!"

My vision becomes shaky and I feel like everything's spinning. I close my eyes, only when I do, I feel pressure.


I jerk at the incessant yelling and open my eyes. Hayden was hovered over me. I blink a few times, adjusting to the sight in front of me.

"Hayden? W-what the hell are you doing? Why are you screaming?"

"You're joking, right? You were the one screaming and kicking." He sits down beside me. "So, do you want to talk about what scared you?"

"I-I..." I stuttered. "I saw that guy again. He was trying to take off my dress."

I see Hayden's jaw clench. He breathes deeply and puts his hand on my arm, rubbing it.

"He can't hurt you. I know the nightmare might've seemed real, and I know that I can't relate to what you're experiencing, but he can't hurt you. He can't hurt anyone anymore. Has this happened before?"

"It doesn't feel that way. I know that I should be over it by now and all, but I can still feel his liquor-tainted breath. I still feel his grip on my waist, and can hear his lousy, vulgar words. And yes, this has happened before, but it was only twice, including today."

"Have you told anyone?"

"What good would that do? Talking won't make it go away, or even ignore the fact that it happened. Please don't go staging an intervention, okay? I'm dealing with it in my own way."

"Look," he sighs, "I know that I don't know you all that well, but I don't think you're properly dealing with it."

"Well then, what do you want me to do? Huh? There was nothing I could do then, just like there's nothing that I can do now. Hell, it would've just been easier if you had just let him go through with it. At least, then I wouldn't feel or remember anything."

Something in his expression shifted and he lifts my chin so we're eye to eye.

"I don't ever want to hear you say that again. You did not deserve what happened, let alone your body being violated. Don't you ever say that again, you hear me?"

I was speechless. I can't blink, move, or speak. It's like he paralyzed me with the truth.

"Yes." I manage to croak out. "I'm sorry for blowing up at you. I guess I'm still not fully ready to come to terms with everything just yet. I really am sorry for being a bitch. You were just being thoughtful and you didn't deserve that."

He stares at me intently. "You're forgiven, baby girl. Just promise me that the next time you feel like this, or have a nightmare, you'll come to me."

I sighed. "I promise."

"Do you really?"


"Seal the deal." He holds his pinky out in front of me.

I wrap my pinky around his, my gaze locked on him.

"Good girl."

I give him a close-lipped smile and lean over, enveloping my body in his. He rubs a hand over my back and I lean into his neck, melting in his embrace. His touch feels welcoming. I can smell his crisp cologne; it's not too strong. He feels so good, it's like hugging my childhood teddy bear. He suddenly pulls us apart and looks at me.

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