Panic mode

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Lee Know pov:
(Didn't see that coming did ya.. yeah you did)

After last night's events as our dorm watched Mi go to her room crying, my heart hurts. I was already mad that Han was upset with Mi, but hearing him call her that name almost caused me to kill him.
If I wasn't so mad the shock would have taken over at Seungmin laying him a nice ass punch to his jaw.

What Seungmin has informed me after she left was that she has slept with only two people and Han knew that.
How is that a whore, but his problem is he doesn't like that the first person was me.

I wished I had stayed with her that morning. Things would have been different but maybe I would have still been with her maybe even married with two amazing kids. I missed a lot because I didn't know and she didn't know where I was.

I missed the whole pregnancy and the birth of the twins, I will not be missing anymore of their lives. This morning getting up Mi was quiet and it didn't sit right with me. Chan could see she was struggling on the inside, so he took over getting everyone in the vans and all the bags.

We had three vans one carrying all the bags, Chan hyung and Han. The second had Changbin, Hyunjin, I.n, and Felix. The last car which was mine also had Seungmin and Mi. Seungmin being the closest to her, wasn't leaving her side and after last night neither am I.
"Okay" Mi speaks up for the first time since she went to bed last night. Her voice was kinda hoarse from crying all night,
"When we get to the airport, you guys will get out and I will be right behind you. I will be in the same circle of security as you guys because they don't want me to get hurt. Please stay together and hold all of your carryons tight so they can't get grabbed."

The doors open so we start getting up. I look at Seungmin as he looks at, give each other a nod agreeing to stay in the back by Mi. Everyone gets out of the van going to take pictures for the media as I see Mi get out walking up behind us getting ready to walk but so she isn't in the pictures.

The light turns green as we start to make our way inside in a line. Me and Seungmin side by side at the very back with Mi right behind us staying close. Stay is crowded around as we have to push our way through but as we get closer to the end, there was a break in security causing the crowd to rush us.
Everyone is pushing and shoving at us trying to talk us. We each grab one of Mi's hands pulling her in-between us putting an arm around her waist to keep her safe.

I feel my arm goes loose as she gets pulled back and crowded. Me and Seungmin loose sight of her as we start yelling her name, as we keep getting pushed by the crowd to the other side of the airport. As we get to the other side me and Seungmin start to panic and not moving from the door way still trying to look for her. "Channie hyung" Seungmin looks back and yells.

Chan stops to look back at us causing the rest to stop." It's Mi, stays pulled her back she stuck with none of our team." Chan's eyes grow wide as he walks back to us, handing his stuff to me, "Take the rest through we will reach you up there, I got her" he says before walking back out to the other side. Me and Changbin leading the rest through the airport.

We get on the plane, that lucky enough, is only for us. Me and Seungmin can't sit down looking at the doorway every two seconds panicking that she was hurt and Chan couldn't get to her. Changbin and Felix keeping trying to reassure us but it's not helping.
After about 15 minutes we seeing figures walk through the door, Chan holding a messed up Mi. She has some scratches on her arms, her hair is a little messy and a dryed up blood line from her nose. Me and Seungmin rush at her giving her a hug and not letting go. I can feel her wrap an arm around Seungmin's waist but not mine.

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