Chapter 16: The Real End of Owlman

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(Meanwhile in Gotham, Owlman is seen controlling the Proto Bat-Bot along with Two-Face, Copperhead, Asteroth, The Brain and Ra's Al Ghul.)

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(They are easily taking out Blue Bettle, Plastic Man, Aquaman, Green Arrow, The Atom, Red Tornado and Batman

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(They are easily taking out Blue Bettle, Plastic Man, Aquaman, Green Arrow, The Atom, Red Tornado and Batman.)

Ra's Al Ghul: End of the line, detective. Any last words?

????: Too little too early for him to die, don't you think?

(Then a wormhole opens up, and The Arbiter comes in along with the other six Y/N Rangers.)

Owlman: (glares) You...

Arbiter: Meet the ones who are actually worthy of being Power Rangers. Ninja Storm Dark Ranger, Phantom Dino Ranger, Crimson Thunder Ranger, Megaforce Green Ranger, Red Psycho Ranger and Lord Drakkon. (to his teammates) Shall we?

N. S. Dark Ranger: You're the boss!

(They charge at the villains, who charge back. Ninja Storm Dark Ranger jumps and lands above the Proto Bat-Bot before shoving his blade up its head, and opens it like a sardine can before destroying the robot inside. Phantom Dino Ranger punches Ra's Al Ghul before slitting his throat. Two-Face tries to shoot Crimson Thunder Ranger, who dodges the shots before charging at him and shoving his blade up his skull, piercing through his brain. Red Psycho Ranger is seen charging at The Brain, who tries to stop him with its powers. Asteroth is about to crush Aquaman, but Megaforce Green Ranger tackles him before beating him to a pulp. Lord Drakkon is seen using his dagger as Copperhead wraps himself about him, only to be stabbed through the eye, and then Drakkon rips off his head. Red Psycho Ranger is almost reaching The Brain, and then Plastic Man stretches his left arm to poke the latter.)

Plastic Man: Excuse me.

(The Brain turns to Plastic Man, giving the Red Psycho Ranger the opportunity to stab The Brain's brain countless times. Back to the Arbiter, he is seen fighting Owlman as he gets the upper hand by punching him countless times before slashing him countless times as well, and finally The Arbiter cuts Owlman in half.)

Arbiter: I have corrected my mistake.

(The Arbiter then returns each of the Y/N Rangers to their respective worlds as the screen fades to black.)

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