Chapter 15: The End of Injustice Syndicate/Recruiting Other Y/N Rangers

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(The Arbiter comes in, and then he invades the Injustice Syndicate's HQ.)

Blue Bowman: Who are you?

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Blue Bowman: Who are you?

Arbiter: Your worst nightmare! I have already taken care of your owl friend!

Scarlet Scarab: So you're powerful, eh?

Silver Cyclone: Which would explain Red Hood's futile attempt to seek help there.

Arbiter: Red Hood, eh?

Silver Cyclone: Then since plan A not viable, We move on to plan B.

Arbiter: Plan B?

Scarlet Scarab: Plan B? But, guys, you can't be serious about using cyclone's b*mb To wipe out their entire planet.

Blue Bowman: Why not?

Scarlet Scarab: Because after that, What other crime could possibly taste as sweet? 

Silver Cyclone: The fate of their world will serve as a warning to all others. "Surrender or Be destroyed."

Arbiter: That was all I needed to hear!

(The Arbiter then blasts Silver Cyclone's head.)

Scarlet Scarab: (stern) Now you've done it, bastard. INJUSTICE SYNDICATE! ATTACK!

Arbiter: (smirks) Come at me, you unworthy villains!

(Scarlet Scarab tries to shoot him, but he deflects the blasts before Rubber Man wraps himself around him.)

Arbiter: Fool!

(The Arbiter launches a shockwave which forces the villain to let go of him. Blue Bowman shoots an arrow, but the Arbiter teleports in front of him and punches him hard in the face, knocking him out. Dyna-Mite then shrinks down and tries to sneak on The Arbiter, who catches him with his bare hand and crushes him like an insect.)

Arbiter: Once an insect, always an insect.

(Barracuda punches The Arbiter, who isn't fazed at all as he punches his chin really hard. Blaze tries a knee strike at his face, but he unleashes a shockwave which forces her to back away, and then he tries to blast her as dodges and breathes fire, but Arbiter shields himself with his force field before blasting Scarlet Scarab and ripping off his head. He then breaks Blue Bowman's bow before beheading him, and shocks Rubber Man before throwing him at Blaze as he then jumps and slams his blade through both of them. Finally, he cuts off Barracuda's arms and legs before finally beheading him.)

Arbiter: Since this world's heroes are trapped, I better free them before doing something about my own world.

(Arbiter then sets to set the Justice Underground free, and quickly leaves Earth-23.)

(Meanwhile at Earth-22, a Dark Ninja Ranger is seen having defeated and killed an evil Superman who got hellbent in oppressing the world.)


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