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A good demon. The concept was too unbelievable for me to comprehend.

The two most important people in my life - my mother and my adoptive father - died by the hands of demons.

My adoptive father taught me about demons and his teachings were proven by all I saw in the past ten years since I first encountered a demon.

Demons were humans once. But once they are demons, all they crave is human flesh and blood. Their murderous instincts overtake their humanity, most of them lose their memories of their human lifes, their beliefs as humans turn to a twisted, darker version of what it used to be.

I always pitied them. No matter the horrors I saw, like the small village, where we went together with Kyojuro where everyone was controlled by that demon... deep down I have always felt pity.

Because they were humans once. And I am pretty sure there were some who willingly chose to be a demon - like my biological father - but I was sure that some of them didn't have a choice. Or their lives were so miserable that they chose this path.

Humans can be terrible too, that's true. Through my not-too-long life, I have seen many monstrous humans. Who killed their kind. Who took advantage of others.

But, there is law for that. There is prison. And the ones with crimes that grave - they receive the death penalty, just like demons.

The difference is, that not all humans are evil.

But all the demons I have encountered wanted one thing: to kill. To keep humans in fear.

Because for them, we are all inferior creatures.

Demons were the disease and the only cure against them is the demon slayer corps.

But then, there's Kamado Nezuko.

A harmless demon. A demon who never killed a human.

I was sitting on the roof of the butterfly mansion, looking down, watching Kamado Tanjiro - the older brother of that demon - do the recovery training with his two friends.

Shinobu's girls exhausted them so much that they didn't sense my presence. That was okay. I wanted to inspect them first.

Kyojuro had something to do, he said he couldn't join me, but he told me that the Kamado boy is the one with the scar on his forehead.

To be honest, by just watching them train did not give me any useful information. They were just three strange boys. One with a scar and a demon sister, a loud one with unexpected cowardice and... and a boy who wore a boar-head.

I tried not to be too judgmental, I mean, since I joined the demon slayer corps I have met many strange figures. Like my lover, who had naturally flame-looking hair.

"Are you having fun?"

I jumped in my seat as I heard Shinobu's soft voice right next to me.

I didn't notice her at all.

I decided not to explain myself. So I just asked a question.

"Shinobu, about that boy..." I pointed at Kamado Tanjiro. "And his sister... what do you think?"

Her smile didn't fade by my question but I noticed the corner of her mouth twitch slightly.

She didn't answer, so I continued. "You lost someone special to you by the hand of a demon, just like I did"

"I hate this" she admitted softly, her expression didn't change from that signature smile. "But my sister believed in a healthy co-existence with demons. So I will force myself to accept that girl"

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