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La la la-la la la~

I quickly lifted my head, reacting in milliseconds as I tucked the earplugs into my ears. The demon inside the shrine started singing, knowing that attacking her is unavoidable now.

Shivers ran down my spine. Even though I couldn't hear a thing with the earplugs, I felt her voice resonating through the air, causing a small numbness in my veins.

Now I understood what my comrades meant. Her voice had effect even though I couldn't hear it. Someone with a weaker will would give in to the beautiful singing voice, removing the earplugs.

As discussed, most of my comrades retreated, only Midori and an another demon slayer remained close to me as a backup.

I forced myself towards the shrine, feeling the familiar feeling I always had before battles - focused brain on the target, blood rushing through my veins ready to react to any movement.

I felt a lump in my throat caused by self-doubt that I couldn't help, I couldn't put aside. What if I fail again? What if many people will die again because of my incompetence? I didn't want to be helpless anymore.

I tightened my grip on my katana and shook my head. I must press forward. I chanted to myself, taking small steps to the old building. The resonation from the demon's singing became stronger, I grit my teeth fighting off the urge to remove the earplugs and give in.

I opened the door, revealing the demon sitting inside.

She turned her head to me, my eyes widened as my gaze locked into hers.

She looked like a small child, wearing white rags. She had long, white hair and tiny golden horns on her forehead.

But what made me step back were her eyes.

They had the same shade of grey as I had, looking surprisingly human.

I hesitated, and that was my mistake. The demon grinned, suddenly changing form, growing to an adult woman in a second. Her nails grew and her eyes turned yellow and blue in changing circles. The yellow part was glowing brightly as she showed me her fangs, lunging towards me.

I stepped back to avoid her attack, swinging my sword. She grabbed my wrist, staring into my eyes.

I saw her talking, but I couldn't hear anything because of the earplugs. It seemingly made her angry, and at the same time it made my job difficult. One of my senses were cut off completely this way.

I made the mistake to look into her eyes again. By the movement of her lips, and the resonations I felt, I was sure she was singing. And as I was looking into her eyes, I saw flashes of myself from the past. During bad things that happened to me.

I felt cold anxiety washing over me. She tried to weaken me through my trauma.

I felt tears gathering in my eyes as I tried to get rid of the images the demon showed me.

The past is the past. I tried to convince myself. I can't back down. I can't fall apart. I can't give up. I had to keep fighting. I promised Kyojuro that I can take care of myself. I promised myself to keep moving forward.

It was painful but somehow I lifted my arms, lining up the katana with the demons neck. Her singing and grip made it impossible for me to swing my sword. But I had a trick up my sleeve.

And it was the moonlight.

"Shadow-style breathing, Fourth form: Light is my aid" I said through gritted teeth, heavily concentrating.

Without a slash being seen, the demon's head fell from her neck, her body going limp and falling to the floor, slowly turning to ashes.

Midori rushed into the building, she was inspecting from nearby, in case I needed help.

"How did you do it?" I heard her ask once I finally removed the uncomfortable earplugs. "You didn't even move your sword!"

I lifted my sword, lining it up with the moonlight entering the building.

I knocked my head toward the fine line shaped shadow, reflecting my sword.

"The shadow was visible on her neck" I said and didn't explain further.

I left the building, looking up at the evening sky. I smiled softly as I closed my eyes.

I did it.

"Where will you go now?" asked Midori, following after me.

"Back to the butterfly mansion, probably" I shrugged. The road was long, and I was exhausted. I only took one break coming here, I needed a long sleep. So, I decided that spending a night at a safe place would be a good idea.

I said goodbye, then I was on the road again. I stopped at a small village where I found accommodation for the night and warm dinner of steamed meat and vegetables.

I was exhausted, expecting dreamless sleep, but I still took my medicine just in case.

I left as soon as I saw the first rays of sunshine, having a day-long journey ahead of me.

When I managed to return back to the mansion, Shinobu instantly noticed me and greeted me happily.

"Kagemi, how was your mission?" she asked.

"It was successful" I shrugged. "Where is Kyojuro?"

"Oh" she blinked. "Right, he recovered faster than we expected" she said. "He was sent on a mission. He only left a couple hours ago"

Good, we just missed each other. I had no injuries, so I didn't want to make use of Shinobu's kindness.

"Can I get a piece of paper and a pen?" I asked.

"Sure" she left to the building bringing me the things I needed. I quickly wrote a letter to Kyojuro and shook the paper to make the ink dry faster. Then I folded the letter and gave it to Shinobu.

"If Kyojuro comes back, can I ask you to give him this letter?"

"Sure" she nodded. "Where are you going now?" she asked, tilting her head.

I smiled. "Home"

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