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"Here, drink this" Kyojuro handed me a glass of water with a wide smile.

I rolled my eyes but accepted it anyway. "I'm not drunk. Just... loose" I grinned, putting down the glass after I emptied it. Then I stepped closer to Kyojuro and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I didn't say a word and just smiled at him, adoring his beautiful orange and red eyes that were always burning like the biggest fire.

"What?" he asked softly.

I shook my head. "Nothing"

I just found it interesting how different we looked. He was bright, easily noticeable in a crowd, attracting everyone's attention, the light of flames. While I was black and grey, staying in the comfort of shadows.

And these two things, light and shadow could never exist without the other.

I kissed him softly, projecting my overflowing love for him. Sometimes it felt like I can't bare it. I felt like I can't handle the enormous amount of love and happiness he gave me.

Saying 'I love you' did not feel enough. Even if I said it everyone second.

His arms were around my waist slowly leading me to the futon as our kiss grew more passionate, laying me down to give me all his attention. I knew he felt the same.

The crackling sound coming from the fireplace almost drifted me to sleep. I felt warm and content as I lay on Kyojuro's bare chest. He was playing with my hair, adding to my sense of comfort.

"I am going to ask one more time" I said lowly. "And this will be the last time I ask it"

"Hm?" he lifted me gently so he could sit up, cradling me in his arms. His fingers caressed my cheeks as he looked at me lovingly, but also he was obviously curious.

"Can you promise me to never leave me?" I lifted my hand to touch his face.

His expression became slightly sad, just like any other time we discussed this topic.

"I don't expect you to keep the promise" I said. "I just want to know if you intend to stay by my side"

He sighed. "Isn't that clear already, Kagemi?"

"I just want to hear you say it. I'm insecure, you know?" I tried to joke it off.

He turned his face clearly thinking about something.

"Give me around 30 minutes, okay?"

He gently put me down on the futon then he stood up and started dressing up.

I lifted myself on my elbows. "What are you doing?"

"Just give me 30 minutes. That's all" he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead then he left.

I was totally confused, not understanding at all what just happened.

And I just didn't know what to do with myself so I decided to make some tea while I wait. The alcohol left my body now, so I started to feel a slight headache from dehydration. A nice cup of green tea was my sworn medicine. I dressed up in my nightgown as it was a bit chilly, my hair was flowing around me like a curtain.

I drank the tea slowly and lay back on the futon waiting for Kyojuro's return.

Not long after I heard the door opening, revealing Kyojuro.

"Where did you go?" I asked sitting up, I almost fell asleep.

"It was harder then I thought, only the blacksmith was open" he said. "But this should be fine"


I watched him quickly undress then he joined me in bed again.

"First of all, this is not a proposal. If I will do that, I want to do it properly" he started.

"What are you tal...?" I wanted to ask but he immediately interrupted me.

"This is a promise" he nodded firmly with a smile.

Then he touched my hand and put a little metal ring on my left ring finger. "This ring is our promise to each other" he exclaimed then he handed me another metal ring and gave me his hand to put the ring on his finger too.

He smiled and kissed my hand. "Kagemi, let this be our promise, okay? This ring will be the symbol of that. I promise, that I will never leave you"

I was frozen for a second, my heart was beating loud and fast in my chest by this meaningful gesture. I felt tears in the corners of my eyes, but they were not the tears of sadness.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, and he pulled me closer so I could sit on his lap. He patted my head lovingly, I knew he was smiling widely into my hair.

I knew that making the promise was childish and hard to fulfill.

But for me, it didn't matter. The intention is what mattered.

We remained there embracing each other for a while, then his warmth started making me feel really sleepy.

I didn't remember when I fell asleep in his arms, but it was the one of the sweetest, most comforting slumber I have ever had.

burning for you - rengoku k.Where stories live. Discover now