believing a rumour you cheated on them part 4 Theo

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Enzo had walked up to you while you were waiting for one of your friends to finish speaking to a teacher. "Theo is waiting for you at your spot " He said. "Tell him that I'm too fucking busy dropping my panties to Blaise, and there's also a line outside of my dorm waiting for their turn to ride me" You snapped at him and walked away. You had avoided seeing Theo for the last few days. You had avoided meal times and didn't go the classes that you would share with Theo.

You didn't know how many tears you cried. The fact that you spent 2 years with Theo, and a rumour about you tore you two apart. You had spent your entire relationship second guessing him because of the rumours that were going around him, but you had decided to trust him because you fell in love with him and honestly he never gave you a reason to believe that he was cheating on you, he always let you look at yoir phone, always informed girls that had had a girlfriend and when his phone got a notification he never jumped towards it to get it hide it from you. So you didn't know why a rumour, tore you apart. Why didn't he give you the dame amount of trust that you had given him.

Being called Useless had hit you close to home, your parents had always compared you to your brother, you were never good enough to walk in the footsteps of your sibling, theo knew about it. Being called ugly and fat was something you never expected to come out of theos mouth at all as he had spent months trying to show you that you weren't. The night started to approach as you sat at the Astronomy Tower. You didn't realise that you were crying until a tear hit your exposed arm. "Fuck sake, why do I miss you so much!" You cried out as more tears dropped from your eyes.

"I'm hoping it's because you still love me" A voice said causing you to turn around and find Theodore standing there with his hands "I wish I fucking didn't " You spat at him and wiped your eyes. He looked down and walked closer to you "Theodore go away. I have an appointment for my panties to drop, you know I'm being the useless ugly girl that you know" You said looking away from him again. He sighed "I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said to you" Theo said. "But you still said it Theo, how many times have I heard the fact that you cheated on me and I came to you and we talked about it. I never had any doubt but the minute you hear a silly rumour you throw 2 years down the fucking drain like I mean nothing to you. Now I wonder if it was so easy for you to throw away this relationship, did you cheat on me?" You asked. You weren't really looking for an answer.

"I was faithful to you " He defended as he took a step closer "How can I believe you?" You asked turning to look at him, crossing your arms over your chest. "Trust me" He pleaded which caused you to laugh "Right, trust you. That's funny coming from the man that couldn't even trust his own girlfriend. You can fuck off now and shove your apology up your Italian ass" You said bumping his shoulder "Cara Mia, I love you" He said making you stop in your tracks. You turned around and looked him in the eye.

"If you truly loved me. You would have believed me the moment I told you I didn't cheat on you, clearly someone else's words mean a lot more to you than mine. And for the record. I wish I didn't love you, because walking away from you would be a whole lot easier than it is now" You said before turning around and walking away from him. Leaving him there with his thoughts.


The next morning you walked down to the common room where you found your entire house standing there with theo standing in the middle of the room on a table. You looked around and noticed people looking at you.

"I fucked up" Theo shouted causing everyone to look at him now. "You all sneaky cunts have been going around for 2 years telling Y/N that I was cheating on her while I haven't but the minute I heard that one of you said she cheated on me I lost the best fucking thing that ever happened to me. Y/n I swear to Salazar that I did not cheat on you. You're not ugly, you're the most beautiful girl that I have ever got the chance to know. You're worthy of so much more than my lame ass apology but please at least consider taking me back. I've been miserable without you. I love you so much please. I will get down on my knees and beg for you every day if that's what it takes for me to get you back" He said.

You watched as he jumped from the table and kneeled infront of you. You watched as some girls scowled at you for the fact that Theo was on his knees asking for an apology "Get up" You said with a laugh and watched as he smiled "Alright shows over, you can all fuck off now" He said making you laugh "I didn't say I forgive you" You said said, his smile dropping which caused you to laugh louder.

"Oh boy this is going to be fun" You smirked and turned around to walk away but Theo grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him, your back to his chest. He put his head on your shoulder and kissed your cheek.

"Amore, I'm so so sorry for what I said and for what I did. you so much. Please forgive me. I never want to let you go again. I made a big mistake. I'll never stop asking for forgiveness " He whispered.

You turned around in his arms and smiled. "I love you too and I forgive you" You said reaching up and gently kissing him "fuck, I missed you so much " He whispered against your lips.

I've 2 more to go lol. I got too lazy last night to finish them

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