My Best Friends Boyfriend-Theodore Nott

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A bit of a long one.

One of the worse things to ever happen to you was the fact that you fell in love with your best friends boyfriend. Of course, you knew that you had to tell her that, but how does one tell Pansy Parkinson that you have falling head over heels in love with her boyfriend.

You walked into the common room where all of your friends were hanging out. Your heart clenched when you seen that Pansy was sitting in Theos lap. You wanted to be the one to sit there. You wanted to be the one that he had his arms wrapped around. Giving gentle kisses to your head and whispering in your ear.

A piece of paper hitting your chest brought you out of your trance "Did you fall asleep standing there?" Theo asked with a laugh making everyone laugh at you making you flush with embarrassment "No, no I just spaced out I was thinking about something" You said. Looking around you noticed the only empty space to sit down was beside Theo but you didn't want to sit there because that was way to close when you couldn't have him as your own. "I'm going to go to my room" You said quietly, Pansy looked at you concerned "Are you okay?" She asked searching your face for an answer. "Yeah, I'm not feeling well" You lied.

"I can go with you?" She offered making you shake your head "No, no. Please Pans. If I need you I'll call you okay?" You asked making her nod, knowing that sometimes if something was bothering you, all that you needed was time alone. "We're all here for you if you need us, right guys?" Theo said making everyone nod their head and your heart to break a little more. "I'm fine" You whispered before walking to your room and locking the door.

Sitting on your bed you didn't know what to do. Usually you would go to Pansy for advice but you obviously couldn't do that since this was about her so you took your phone out and found the contact that you never texted or called before.

 Usually you would go to Pansy for advice but you obviously couldn't do that since this was about her so you took your phone out and found the contact that you never texted or called before

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You looked down at your phone and let the tears that gathered in your eyes fall. Mattheo was right. If you kept hanging out with him then you would never be able to get over him. Your only option was to put some distance between all of you. Creeping out of your room you sneaked out of the common room where all of your friends were and walked to the headmasters office, you wanted to change classes so that you didn't share any with your friends.

Lucky enough another schedule was available that was the complete opposite to your friends and Dumbledore was kind enough to let you switch.

The next morning you walked into the great hall and noticed all of your friends there. Mattheo was the first to notice you and raised his hand to wave but you turned around and walked out back to your dorm since you didn't have class for another hour.

You spent a week trying to get used to your new routine. Of course you passed them in the halls but everytime they greeted you, you ignored them and walked past them. "Hey Y/N" Theo greeted you with a smile one day as you were walking past them, you looked down and walked away. Theo frowned as he watched you walk away "Did I do something that she doesn't want to be around us?" Pansy asked biting her lip. Theo hugged his girlfriend as she sighed.

"Something must be bothering her" Regulus said as he walked up to them" She just bumped into me and walked away like i was a stranger" He said as the group sat down. "She changed all of her classes too" Enzo said bitting his nail. Mattheo looked down and took his phone out.

 Mattheo looked down and took his phone out

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He felt a heavy feeling in his chest. Maybe he went about it the wrong way. He wasn't sure what to do so he grabbed Enzo by the collar. "Come with me" He said pulling him away. The boy was confused but when they stopped Mattheo showed him all of the text messages and watched as Enzo's face looked shocked. "Wait Y/N has feelings for Theo?" He asked making Mattheo nod. "Yeah, and this may be my fault because I told her to stay away from him and she's staying AWAY from us too" He stressed. "So what the fuck do we do?" Enzo asked and Mattheo shrugged. "I have no idea..I think we have to tell Pansy and Theo" Mattheo said.

"But we can't do that to Y/N" Enzo stressed. "I know" Mattheo said.

He turned when he seen you lean against the wall with your eyes closed. When he was going to go over to you he noticed a guys come up to you and grab your arm shaking you.

"Stop! We hooked up once, leave me alone" You said trying to get away but the guy was bigger and he pulled you away and Mattheo didn't get a chance to go over there since the rest of your friends gathered around the corner. "There you guys are" Draco said. Enzo and Mattheo panicked and looked at one another. "What's wrong?" Theo asked.

Enzo shook his head at Mattheo "Enz she already hates me doesn't matter now" Mattheo said as he turned to Theo and Pansy "I have to tell you something..."

So...part 2?

-Abby xoxo

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