Clingy Part 2- Lorenzo.

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You never waited for Lorenzo's 'I'll find you later'. You weren't upset nor mad at him. You knew that people in relationships did indeed need some time away from one another. The only thing from the conversation you had with him that hurt was the tone of voice that he used. You wouldn't be in a 'mood' if he had came up to you and simply explained that he needed some time alone to re charge. You would have been okay with that. But the way he spoke to you really hurt. It made you feel like he didn't even want to talk to you.

The next morning when you rounded the corner where the courtyard was you seen your friends sitting there listening to what Enzo was saying. Pansy looked up when she heard someone walk in their direction "Hey" She said with a smile. You smiled back "Hey guys" You greeted as you continued to walk past them, you were a few steps away from them when you felt arms lock themselves around your stomach pulling you back into someone's chest. "Hey" Enzo whispered in your ear.

"Hey" you replied and removed his hands away from you causing him to frown. "My stomach hurts. I got my period this morning " you said with a small smile.''I can bring you some chocolate later and we can cuddle?" He suggested. "No. It's okay. I just need some me time " You replied and watched as his frown deepened "Darling.." You kissed his cheek quickly "I have to go, I've Charms. I'll find you later" You smiled and turned around walking away. He heard him curse lightly as you walked away.


You groaned as you were laying on your bed with a hot water bottle and a movie playing. You wished you took up on Enzos offer for a cuddle since the heat of his body always calmed your cramps down. Especially when he didn't have a shirt on. A knock your door interrupted your thoughts. Slowly you walked over to it before opening it. Enzo stood on the other side with flowers and box of chocolates "Your boyfriend is here to apologise for being a twat and to offer his shirtless cuddles" He said with a smirk making you laugh as you opened the door wide.

He placed your gifts on your table before grabbing your hands and pulling you over to the bed. "Let me start off by saying that I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you yesterday, I was mean. I should have come up to you and expressed myself better instead of dismissing you like that" Enzo said looking into your eyes "No, it's okay. I understand. You needed some time alone" You said which only made him shake his head at you "No, it's not okay. We're in a relationship babe, we have to be able to talk to each other. Please forgive me" He said kissing you knuckles "Of course I forgive you. Like I said if you need time alone. Just tell me" You said making him smile and nod his head.

He stood up and swiftly took his shirt of "Okay get into bed. It's cuddle time" He said as he threw his shirt in the floor. "You're so hot" you mumbled but he heard you as he smirked and pulled you into bed. "You're so beautiful" He whispered as he rolled you and got on top of you kissing you slowly but deeply.

"I will never let you go" He whispered kissing you again before pulling away and pulling you into his arms. You kissed his chest and continued to watch the movie you started.

Im not sure about this one.

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