Fights and Jealousy pt 2- Theodore Nott

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Hi guys. Part 2 is here :)

Theo ,my love.

If you're reading this I'm probably already halfway home to England.  I just wanted to write to you and say that I'm really sorry that I wasn't good enough for you. I know that I may have come off as controlling but I was just doing what i thought was best for you because I care about you. I don't want to see you hurt in any way shape or form. But now I guess that I was telling how to live your life and that was wrong, I shouldn't tell you what to do.

I saw you play your match, I was wearing your jumper that you got for me, but you ran straight into her arms while i stood there waiting for you. I watched you spend time with her with OUR friends as if she was your girlfriend. As if i didnt excist anymore.You mentioned my previous relationships, they didn't work because I was never good enough for them either. And in the end I was always cheated on.

But that doesn't matter now. I really hope that Daphne makes you happy and she can be a better girlfriend than me, you deserve all the happiness in the world. Theo, you're always going to be the love of my life. I cant breathe without you, but I know that I have to let you go. I can't keep holding you back from being happy.

Remember I will always love you! There is no one else out there for me.

Take care of yourself.

With all my love and care,

Yours always,

-Y/N ❤️

The sat down slowly on his bed and let the tears fall down his face. He screamed which caught the attention of his friends and they ran in seeing their friends crying on the bed. "Ew tears" Tom whispered making Mattheo elbow him in the ribs.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, Theo looked up and held up a letter " She, she broke up with me" He cried out "Not like she didn't have a fucking reason! We told you! We warned you" Enzo said angrily "this is your damn fault Theodore"

"You don't think I know that?!" He shouted, tears were streaming down his "May i suggest you go and see her?"Blaise said leaning against the wall and looking at his friend. Theo nodded "Yeah, yeah that's a good idea"


Y/N was at her childhood home, she was sitting out in the garden, she had a blanket wrapped around her and her cup of tea that her mother made her has now gone cold. Her tears haven't stopped rolling since her mother had come to collect her. She felt someone sit down beside her but she was numb.

"I remember when you brought me here for the first time to meet your mother" A voice made her jump "What are you doing here?" Her voice croaked out, she turned to look at him and Theodore smiled, gently wiping the tears that were falling down her face "I came to bring my girlfriend back where she belongs, with me"

"Daphne doesn't live here" She spat at him making Theo look down. "I messed up okay! I know. There is no excuse for what I did but Y/N I love you, you're the one I want to be with. You're the love of my life. I want to soend the rest of my life with you! I want you to walk down the Isle so that I can see you wear that white dress and cry at how I got the most beautiful woman in the world to agree to be with me for the rest of eternity. I want to hear our children laugh. I would rather spend my life fighting and loving you rather than be alone without you" Theo told her.

"I was only looking out for you, I promise I wasn't trying to control your life" She cried out. Theo pulled her into his arms " I know, baby, I know. I love you, please forgive me" Theo begged getting on his knees infront of her and holding her cold hands in his.

She nodded her head and Theo laughed bringing her down into his arms.

"I love you more than life " Theo whispered as he kissed her on the lips and buried his head in her neck as she wrapped her arms around him.

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