The female Enzo- Lorenzo Berkshire

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Enzo is so cute I love him so much.

"We have a new girl in our house" Mattheo said as he burst into the common room where all of his friends were. "Where" Theo said sitting up on the couch as he was laying back with his head back against the arm rest. "She's not here yet, she's currently in Dumbledores office" Tom said walking in after Mattheo.

Enzo rolled his eyes at his friends 'poor girl'he thought to himself as he knew his friends will be all over her. Not that he had anything against his friends but everytime there's a new girl all of them fight over her and she always falls for one of them but never glances his way. He knew that he wasn't as attractive as his friends but he thought that maybe someone would look his way eventually. Not that he didn't have girlfriends it's just that they always preferred his friends over him.

The common room door opened and Snaped walked in causing everyone to straighten up "And this is your common room, your dormitory is upstairs the very last door on your right" Snape said as a girl walked in holding a small bag over her shoulder. She looked around shyly and nodded "Thank you Professor " She said softly and Enzo couldn't help but smile. Theo whistle lowly and Mattheo was gawking. Tom ran his eyes over her and Draco was almost jumping in his seat. Enzo was sure that if Blaise was here he would be barking.

Snape said nothing as he nodded and walked out. Draco was the first to run over and pull her over to where they were sitting "My name is Draco Malfoy" He said, Enzo watched as they all threw their names at her making her nod and smile softly "Nice to meet you all" Her eyes looked at Enzo and his breath stopped as she gave him a soft smile "I'm Lorenzo, but call me Enzo" He said. She looked around at all of them "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, it's nice to meet you all, if you don't mind I'll be going now" She said as she turned around to leave "I can help with your bags" Mattheo rushed out causing her to shake her head.

"I'm not a damsel in distress Mattheo, I can cary my own bag" She said causing Enzo to bark out a laugh accidently. "I'm sorry" Enzo said hiding his face with his hands. "Goodnight" She said before walking away.

"Dibs" Theo shouted when she was gone "You guys are fucking freaks, calling dibs on a girl. What if she doesn't like any of you?" Enzo asked "What if she's into girls?" He asked again and before Mattheo could open his mouth Enzo stopped him "No Mattheo, you can not change someone's sexuality. We have been over this" He said making his friend shut up.


Lorenzo observed for the next few weeks. He had limited conversations with the new girl but the few times he did talk to her before his friends interrupted them have been pleasant. She was a little shy but Enzo thought that was cute about her. She was funny and she had a lot in common with him. He wanted to ask her out for a drink but everytime he was about his friends came out of no where and interrupted them.

He walked into the library to get a book he needed so that he could finish his homework when he noticed Y/N sitting at a table in the back. He grabbed the book he needed and walked over to her. "Hey" He said in a soft voice causing her to look up and smile "Hi" She said and watched as he sat down "mind if I join you?" Enzo asked making her shake her head "Not at all, Enzo" She said making him smile at her.

She tilted her head and looked at him softly before turning her head back to her work. They sat in comfortable silence before she looked up "I just have to ask, are your friends deprived of the female touch that they keep asking me out?" She asked with a laugh causing Enzo to sigh "I'm sorry about them. They always do this with a new girl. They go out with her, have a fling and then move on" Enzo said. She nodded and played with her quill

"And what about you?" She asked him making him look at her "I mean, do you have a girlfriend?" Her voice was soft. Enzo shook his head "No, girls at this school much rather be with my friends. I'm more of an afterthought" Enzo admitted and she frowned. She reached her hand out and placed it on his shoulder "Enzo, There is nothing wrong with you. You're just as attractive as your friends if not more " She said with a small blush on her face making him smirk lightly.

"Oh" Enzo said bitting his lip "Thank you" He said looking down. She smiled and they went back to their work. 'This is your chance Berkshire' he thought to himself.

"Y/N do you want to go-'' She looked up "Yes" She interrupted him making him chuckle "sorry" She said in a small voice "Do you want to go for a drink with me" He asked again making her smile. "I thought you would never ask" She said shocking him. "I was hoping you would ask, I considered asking you but I'm way to shy for this '' She admitted.

"What about Theo and Draco and.." Enzo finished of naming his friends "You actually caught my eye from the minute I walked into the common room" She said making him smile.

And if Enzo ended up pushing her against the book case late at night when they were alone and kissing het nobody has to know that.

I need requests guys come on xoxo

-Abby xoxo

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