Fights and Jealousy-Theodore Nott

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How are you guys? Imma need you guys to engage a bit more, comment, vote and please please please send me requests.

Don't forget to check out my Draco Malfoy book, it's bit more structured and has more content to read as I'm still only starting with this.

Enough of me blabbering. Enjoy.

You were sitting on the sofa in the common room with your arms crossed as Theo was pacing up and down the room, with your eyes following each of his movements." I just don't get it" He said turning around to look at you. The rest of the boys were sitting there looking between the two of you amused.

"I'm sorry! I just didn't like the way that she was looking at you, and I told you that" You told him making him laugh sarcastically at you " So you decided to poke her in the eye with your wand" He shouted at you making you flinch but Mattheo laughed at his statement.

"Theo I told you that you being around her makes me uncomfortable, and if you were going to study with her at least let me be there " You said, standing up out of your seat. "Yes you told me that, but why do YOU have to be there? Do you not trust me?!" He shouted again.

"Why are you shouting at me? I told you how I felt about her and you didn't listen, so I took matters into my own hands and now she won't look at you that way anymore " You said a little to proudly which made Theodore see red. "So you don't trust me?! Gosh no wonder none of your relationships ever worked out. You're such a controlling bitch" He shouted making you shut your mouth immediately and step back.

"All you do is nag and nag about my friends and who I hang out with, 'Theo don't smoke, Theo don't drink, no Theo that's bad for you, Theo she makes me uncomfortable, Theo this Theo that' god just leave me the fuck alone and let me do what I want, i need space!" He shouted, his friends looked at him wide eyed while you fought back the tears.

"Okay, if that's what you need" You said with a sad smile as you gathered your bag up from the ground "come find me when you want to talk" you said and walked away. "Thank God" Theo said as he watched you walking away. His friend looked down and didn't say anything but Theo knew that they wanted to.

"Okay what?" Theo exclaimed, Enzo sighed and looked up "That was a bit harsh man, she told you that a girl you're friends with makes her uncomfortable and you accuse her of controlling you. What if she was hanging out with one of us and you voice your opinion about being uncomfortable and she responded the way that you did" He asked his friend.

"But you don't, you all have girlfriends" Theo said. Blaise rolled his eyes " That's the point man, we have girlfriends! Pansy told me she felt uncomfortable with me handing out with Astoria alone and I stopped because that's basic respect for your partner" Blaise tried to explain.

"Whatever, Daphne is my friend. I'm not going to stop being her friend because Y/N is jealous " Theo said and walked away "I volunteer to drown him in the black lake?" Tom offered. "I could just AK his ass, he's going to lose her if he keeps this up" Mattheo said making his friends agree.


Y/N had tried speaking to Theo in the next few days, everytime she would see him, but he would just send her a small smile and walk away,  the worse thing about all that, was that his friends were there with their girlfriends but Daphne was there, it was like she had been forgotten that she was Theo's girlfriend.

Y/N felt betrayed, especially at what happened this afternoon, she chocked back a sob and walked away to her dorm room so that she could write Theo a note and end their relationship so that he could be happy with someone that he wants to be with.

Theodore and Daphne were hanging out in the common room laughing. Theo missed Y/N and he knew that he may have exaggerated about her being jealous, but in his eyes he didn't see Daphne as anything more than a friend and she hasn't given him any signs that she had feelings for him.

"I should go to bed" Theo said making Daphne smile, she ran her hand over his chest and leaned in and kissed him, his eyes widened and he pushed her away "Whoah, Daph what are you doing?" He said standing up "Well, you know that I like you Theo, and now that you and Y/N have broken up I thought that we were together " She said, his eyes widened "I still have a girlfriend Daphne, me and Y/N haven't broken up"

She smirked and raised her perfectly arched eyebrow. "Where was she yesterday? We were playing couples games but she was no where to be found? When we were out in hogsmead and all our friends were with their girlfriends, where was she? When you won your quiddiche match this afternoon, why did you run to my outstretched hands and not hers where she was standing? Shall I go on?" She said and smirked as Theos heart dropped.

"No, No, No ,No " Theo said shaking his head "Oh my god no, I need to find her" Theo said as he ran towards the girls dorm, he asked everyone he could see about you but no one had seen you. He walked into his dorm and found Enzo on his bed "Um, she asked me to give you this" Enzo said handing him a piece of parchment paper, he stood up and smiled sadly as Theo took it from him "Mattheo warned you, you didn't listen to us" Enzo said and walked out of his dorm.

Theo looked down at the page

Theodore Nott.

He could feel the tears spring to his eyes.

Theo, my love.............

Part 2?

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