Im tired of waiting - Blaise Zabini

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Hi guys.

You and Blaise were cuddling on the couch "When can we tell people? I'm so fucking tired of this" You said looking up at your boyfriend who was stroking your hair and looking down at you.

"Soon, I promise" He said to you making you sigh "Blaise, it's been 8 months how much longer are you going to hide me? I'm tired of waiting honestly" You said as the door to the common room opened and he pushed you off of him making your back hit the arm rest of the couch. Hiding your sadness you rested back and watched as Enzo and Draco walked in. "Hey guys" Draco greeted, you waved as you grabbed the book that was on the table.

"What were you doing?" Enzo asked. Before you could reply Blaise did it for you "Nothing just talking" You smiled lightly but Enzo caught the sad look on your face.

Over the next few days you spent your time watching as Blaise flirted with girls around you and when you were alone he showed you the attention that he should have been giving you in the first place but you were really getting tired of it. You wanted him to show you off, tell everyone that you were with him and not just when you were alone.

"Blaise, you busy Friday? Theo asked him when you were standing with the guys in the courtyard, Pansy was in Draco's arms and you couldn't help but feel jealous of your friend that her boyfriend wasn't afraid to show everyone that he had a girlfriend and he wasn't ashamed to be with her.

"Nah, what's up?" Blaise asked but your heart dropped since Friday was your weekly movie night with him. "There's these two girls, one of them would only go out with me if I bring a friend for her friend" Theo answered ''Why didn't you ask Enzo? Or one of the other lads?" Pansy asked. Theo looked and laughed "The friend has a thing for Blaise. Mattheo has a date with his partner, they're going to London, Matt said he wants to bring them to a show or something. Regulus is busy with his girl, and Tom is too scary to ask, plus he freaks everyone out. Enzo has his eyes on another girl so he won't go" Theo answered. You wanted as Blaise shrugged and you knew he was about to agree.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do" Blaise answered and your heart clenched. "I have to go, i need to find Enzo, lab boy has my DADA notes that I need" You muttered and walked away. You looked back to see if Blaise would follow you but when you noticed him walk away with Theo, you got the answer you were looking for.

Sitting on your bed studying the door to your dorm opened and Blaise walked in "Hey Ma" He said with a smile, you looked up but went back to your notes. "Why are you ignoring me?" He asked you "I'm not" was your only reply "fine don't tell me, I came to ask will you help me pick what to wear Friday?" He asked and you looked up dumbfounded "Please tell me that you're fucking joking, you're asking YOUR girlfriend to help you pick what to wear for a DATE that's not with her?" You asked and he played with his rings "Okay, when you put it like that, it sounds bad" He chuckled.

"Glad you find this fucking funny Blaise, because I don't. You have been hiding me for 8 months. You have me in private in ways that a boyfriend would have someone in public! You kiss me in my dorm when you could do infront of our friends, you act single around everyone else but make me feel like I'm the only one around in private, what are you so scared of? Or are you just ashamed of me?" You asked but Blaise said nothing making you nod.

"Okay, well I'll make this easy for the both of us, we're over,  you want to act single well there you are. You're officially single" you said trying to keep your tears at bay "Now please, leave my room" You asked as he looked at you, you could see tears form in his eyes as he walked over to the door. He looked back at you "Wear your red shirt with the black pants, you look really nice in that" You added and watched as he just nodded and left your room and let you finally let out a sob.

Idk why but I love this. Anyways let me know what you think.

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