Chapter 3

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Meleena wrote in her Journal, which was finally back in her possession.

To rescue you from the sharks, dear journal, I told my parents I would join the council. There's no way I'll qualify for their apprenticeship, but I've resigned to whatever miserable choice the elders will make for me at the Light of the Meruyans Festival, at school year's end. Or maybe I'll train forest beasts and start a traveling circus.

Also, I lost the strange wooden trinket from the study. I hope that doesn't count against me. Oh well, nobody's noticed. I must have lost track of it somewhere underwater when Talla came by. What an oyster-brain!

Father will be leaving soon, to report to the capital and request aid for rebuilding. As part of the grooming process for the council apprenticeship, he wants me to come with. To keep up appearances, I had no choice but to agree. Oh well, perhaps it would do me some good to get out of this town for a little while.

Meleena closed the cover of the clamshell-bound journal. That morning she was up early. As she entered the kitchen, the pungent scent of blue root tea wafted. She slipped into the bench beside her father.

"I've made day packs for your journey," her mother said softly. That perked Meleena's attention. She thought her mother would be beaming for her 'finding her path,' but her apprehension told Meleena her mother felt conflicted. Perhaps she had misjudged the weight of this.

Her father stirred his tea. "You are in luck, Meleena. When we arrive, we will attend a meeting about the storm, where I will submit my proposal to the Meruyan Nation regarding the storm and damages."

"Why am I in luck?"

"The Meruyan Nation doesn't have the funds or resources to rebuild Pontai'Desa by itself, but our allied nation, known as the Sen'Prin, have heard about what happened and their leader will be attending the meeting."


"They are a Warix nation."

Meleena nodded in understanding. "I'll meet a Warix."


She puffed her lips together and nodded, trying to look impressed, but not too excited. Her pulse, in truth, beat a lot faster. She couldn't keep herself from getting hopeful about this whole thing. Perhaps there was a chance she would find something greater there?

"Can't wait to show you around, teach you some history!" Her father gave her a goofy look, sad and nostalgic. He pulled her close to his side in an awkward side hug so that their shoulders touched.

"Aww, history!" she moaned but settled into the embrace. "Thanks, though."


Flax was seventeen, and his heart was thudding with anticipation for tomorrow. It would be his first outing since the draft, six months ago, into the Sen'Prin defense forces. He would be joining Governess Arenay at the Meruyan capital—and oh yes, there was homework.

Like most Sen'Prin Warix, he'd never even been outside of Sen'Prin City. He stooped over the parchment and chewed his pencil absentmindedly, trying to focus on the assigned reading that was pertinent to review before the upcoming meeting.

He scratched his left horn and closed his left eye. Why did I wait until the last night to read this?

The scroll in his tawny hands read: The Warix and the Legend of the Wind Goddess.

According to the old legend, the four elemental spirits helped shape the planet. Of the many beasts, the elements desired more: a nation to worship and love them. Water Spirit favored sea creatures, who dwelt in her realm, so she shaped the Meruyan, an aquatic people. Fire Spirit favored reptiles, with cold blood needing her warmth, so she gave the scaly Hyish tribes her spark. Earth Spirit held affection for mammals, who built their dens and burrows in her soil, so she made the Warix, a tribe to build homes of brick and mortar.

Born of Wind - Of The Elements Series Book 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum