Another argument

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Maya was shaken awake by Alex. 

"Time for breakfast," the boy explained. 

Maya couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that it wasn't the blonde boy who had woken her up this time. 

She learned from Alex that she was spending her morning Track-hoes - the gardeners. Upon hearing the name, she had winced. 

Zack, the keeper, had started her off by pulling weeds. 

It was long, and she was alone. She found out she didn't like being alone as it gave her time to think. She pulled out weeds, lost in her thoughts. A voice brought her back.

"Stop starring. Go back to what you were bloody doing," the second-in-command ordered. 

She turned around, noticing a couple of boys staring at her. A grimace formed on her face when she understood what was happening. Thankfully, most of the boys obeyed the blond boy, but one stayed back. 

"Nice ass," he called out. 

Maya rolled her eyes. 

"What did I just bloody say," Newt snapped.

"Marking your territory, Newt?" the boy laughed. 

The girl scoffed and finally spoke up, "He just thinks you have better things to do. No slacking, remember." She gave a fake smile. 

The boy left. Maya rolled her eyes again before getting back to work. 

"I don't even get a thank you?" Newt asked. 

The redhead looked at Newt. 

"Thank you, but I didn't need your help," Maya said. "I was perfectly fine on my own."

The blond boy scoffed at her and rolled his chocolate eyes. She was so annoying. 

Anyone who knew Maya would know she didn't mean it. She just had real trouble asking and accepting help. People would often say it was her fatal flaw. 

But Newt didn't know that, nor did Maya for a matter of fact. That didn't change her personality. 

"Oh, I wasn't doing it for your benefit, greenie." 

She was back to that nickname, and she didn't like it one bit. She preferred darling. 

"Like you pointed out, the boys were slacking," he reminded her. 

He joined her in pulling weeds. 

Great, she thought sarcastically expecting an awkward silence to follow. 

She was going in the completely wrong direction if she wanted to become friends with him. She bit back her stubbornness. 

"Sorry, that was rude," she muttered. 

Newt heard her but didn't give any reply, acting as if she hadn't said anything. 

The silence following was even more awkward if that was possible. The silence was heavy. Maya felt the weight of the sky on her shoulders, and it seemed like an all too familiar feeling. 

She started pulling the weeds faster with less precision. 

Newt placed his hands on hers to stop her. 

"You're going to pull out the whole bloody patch, darling," Newt exclaimed. 

A small smile made its way to her face when he used that nickname. The warmth of his hand on hers was nice. She settled back to a slow pace, and he regretfully removed his hand. 

"How's your first days been going?" the blond boy asked. 

She shrugged. "Okay..."

He chuckled. "You don't have to lie." 

"What am I supposed to say? I'm in the middle of a maze. With only boys. Crying, sulking or complaining won't do me any good. Alby's right about that." 

Newt was impressed. 

"Yeah," he agreed with her, a sombre look on his face, thinking about when he had given up. He unconsciously reached for his leg. 

"When do I get to try out for runner?" the redhead wondered. 

She had a death wish. 

"You're not trying out," he said sharply. 



"I'm a girl?" 

Newt stayed silent which gave Maya her answer. 

"Great," she huffed. 

"It's really dangerous out there," he defended. 

She stopped pulling weeds. 

"I took Gally and Minho down," she argued. 

"That's very different from a bloody griever. Didn't you see the thing?" 

"So the others are allowed but not me?" 

"It's bloody dangerous out there," he repeated.

"You've made that point already, Blondie," she remarked.

"Yeah, well it doesn't seem to be getting through that thick head of yours."

"Fine, maybe Alby or Minho will let me," she grumbled.

"You are not trying out."

The redhead scoffed. "I should be allowed to." 

"Fine, you can try to convince Alby to let you try out, but I warned you."

They went back to pulling weeds, another deafening silence between them. 

Another Twist/ tmr x pjoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora