Annoying wise people comes naturally

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Maya was being shaken awake by somebody. She darted up, raising a knife against his neck. 

"Sorry, reflex." 

She brought the knife down. She could barely make out the shape of the boy waking her up. 

"Where the bloody hell did you get that knife from?" he asked, his British accent ringing through her ears. 

Maya took a second to process who it was. Her eyes widened upon realising that it was the blond boy. She had threatened the blond boy—again. 

"I'm so sorry. I found it lying around," she lied through her teeth. 

"That's not possible, greenie," he muttered. 

She shrugged. 

"Here, you can have it." She handed him the knife, hoping it would make him feel better, even though she knew it would come back to her wrist anyway. 

He looked at her cautiously and grabbed the knife. He left the room, leaving a confused Maya behind. She got out of bed and looked at Minho. He was sound asleep. Maya guessed he was the kind that slept through storms. 

She left the room, making her way out to the clearing. 

The blond boy appeared in her vision. 

"Follow me, greenie." 

He walked away. She obeyed the order, knowing she was on thin ice with him. 

"What's your name?" she spoke softly, staring at him, only now noticing the slight limp he had while walking. 

"Name's Newt, Greenie."

"And my name's Maya, not Greenie," she grumbled, annoyed at how everybody kept calling her that. 

"Whatever you say, darling," Newt chuckled, seemingly amused by her frustration. 

"What is it with you guys and nicknames?" 

Newt didn't answer as he stopped and stared at a window in a wall. Maya stared at the wall as well with a look of uncertainty. 

"Please don't tell me you woke me up just to stare at a wa—"

A huge creature appeared and Maya didn't finish her sentence. She stared at the creature cautiously and approached the hole in the wall. Newt observed, curious about the way she was reacting. The sluggish creature hit the wall and Maya jumped back, startled. She shook her head and stared at Newt. 

"That's a Griever?" she asked. 

Newt was shaking in frustration. Her reaction had been so small; she seemed inhuman. 

"Yeah," he nodded, an irritated look on his face. "That's why the maze isn't safe."

"I've seen worse..."  

Newt huffed and shot daggers at her. "How the bloody hell would you know that!" He exclaimed, taking steps towards her. 

She turned to him, shocked at the sudden outburst. She stayed silent and simply raised her shoulders. 

"You don't have a bloody clue about anything, darling."

His finger made his way to her chest, pointing at her. Maya took a step back, still not breaking her silence. He scoffed. 

"You have to learn to stop questioning everything. It isn't wise."

She finally broke her silence. "So you're wise? I don't question everything." She denied. 

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