The outburst

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Maya realised she didn't know where she was going. She suddenly stopped, and Minho appeared next to her. She jumped out of her skin.

"What you waiting for, greenie?" Mihno asked, and Maya just stared at the Asian boy.

"My name's Maya, and I don't have a single clue where we're eating, idiot," Maya stated. "I happen to have zero memories if you don't remember"

"Right this way, Amazon," he grabbed her hand and brought her to the kitchen.

"That's not my name!" she exclaimed in frustration as she reluctantly let him drag her. Amazon, that was familiar. He ignored her.

They grabbed food, and Minho left Maya to talk to Frypan. He was nice, and they laughed together. Her stomach grumbled, and she excused herself. She had a huge smile on her face. Maybe she'd be fine.

But her smile quickly turned into a frown when she noticed that Minho was sitting next to the dirty blond guy. The guy she had brandished a knife towards. She let out a sigh, and her eyes spotted Frypan heading to that same table.

The only two guys she had met and had taken a liking towards her were sitting with the one guy she definitely didn't want to talk to. She sat at a table alone, and people kept whispering about her. She debated standing up and telling them to shut up, but she knew that would only worsen her image.

She ate in silence until a boy came over. She didn't look up. His friends had probably dared him to come over.

"Hey, I'm Alex," the boy said full of enthusiasm, his Australian accent was recognisable.

She looked up and was met with a tall brunette boy with curly hair covering his eyes. His mouth was curled into a crooked smile. He gave off a golden retriever vibe that filled Maya with comfort.

"I'm Maya," she smiled back.

He sat down at her table. He passed his hand through his chocolate brown hair, and his bright blue eyes shone out.

"So what do you think about this place Maya?" He asked. 

"It's not very welcoming," she grumbled, picking at her food. 

He chuckled. 

"You kinda did threaten one of us with a knife," he stated with a shrug.

"I'm guessing nobody has done that before?" 

He grinned and leaned over the table to bring his face closer to hers.

"No, the usual situation is the kid crying." 

She huffed, "Well, I was thinking about it."

He chuckled again and pulled away.

"What else do you have to say about this place?" He was curious. She was the first girl.

"Well, it's a maze isn't it ?" His eyes widened, ready to protest. "And I hate mazes, at least I think so," she looked down at her plate. She loathed not remembering everything.

"How do you know that it's a maze? Alby told you?" He questioned, his knees jumping up and down.

"Are all of you dumb?" she scrunched her face up.

He wanted to protest, but she quickly cut it off, "It's kind of obvious?" 

He thought it over. "Yeah, it's obvious," he said sheepishly. "I guess most people are too freaked out to realise."

"Unpredictable situations are my forte," she spoke without thinking. 

"You sure seem to know a lot," he teased her.

"No, it's all a mess in my head, and I feel like banging my head against the table." In frustration, she waved her hands.

"I get you," he grimaced. "You'll have to get used to it. It's normal." 

"How in any case is this normal!" she exclaimed, louder than she intended. A couple of heads turned towards her.

He flinched back. 

"I'm sorry," she apologised, drawing back. "But how can you normalise this?"

"It's the only thing we can remember," he replied. 

His eyes were darting around, not meeting hers. By now, every conversation had ceased, and everybody was listening to them. 

"That makes it normal?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. 

She felt bad for drilling him with questions, but how could he think this was normal? 

He shrugged. She scoffed

She got up brutally.

"This is not in any case normal! Whoever did this to us is a maniac. A psychopath. An idiot. Once, I get outta here, my only goal will be to kill them." 

Maya didn't mean to sound so violent. She was confused and annoyed. She quickly tidied her plate away. She noticed everybody's eyes on her but ignored them. She bitterly smiled at her outburst. She walked away towards her bedroom. That is until she heard a clap. That turned into a thunderstorm of claps. She turned around, and everybody was cheering her on. A guy with funny eyebrows approached her. 

"I look forward to seeing you in the ring, greenie," he smirked. 

She stood there, confused. Alex made his way to her. 

"I think they like you now," he said, putting a hand over her shoulder.


He stepped away. "You stood up to the invisible enemy on the first day here. I think you have most of their respect" 

She looked around the crowd of boys who had now gone back to eating. She noticed the British boy still smiling at her. Her face broke out into a smile. A lot of the guilt she felt about the boy had been lifted, making her feel lighter.

"I feel great." She walked away.

"Well, let's just hope you keep feeling that way." He glanced at the boy who had previously talked to her. "Good luck for tonight." 

She noticed where his gaze was looking.

"What ring was he talking about?" she asked, curious. It sounded like something fun.

"A fighting ring that we have at the bonfire," he explained. 

She grinned. "That sounds like fun." 

He laughed as she happily skipped away into the Homestead.

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