Filler - Happy Birthday

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"So... what's her favorite cake?" I ask, peeking through the bakery isle as Mike pushed the cart. "Well she asked for a three layer cake." Mike huffed, running a hand through his hair, "Chocolate, Vanilla, and Red velvet." I shoved boxes of cake mix into the cart, same with frosting, "isnt red velvet just chocolate and vanilla cake..?" I asked, sneaking in a bottle of Dr. Pepper into the cart.

"You're the baker." He shrugged, "Did you get anything for Abby?" He asked, lightly pushing the cart till we were side by side, so I lightly stepped onto the cart as he pushed it. "Yeah, I got her some drawing markers and a drawing book, it'll help her stop drawing stick figures." I mused, doodling a stick figure in the air.

Mike jolted the cart, making me yelp, stumbling off, "Dude?!" I exclaimed, pushing the cart back, making us have some sort of tug and war, but with just pushing. "You're not winning." He teased, before shoving back harder, making me stumble, "this is child abuse." I tossed a boxed cake mix at him, causing him to shove it back into the cart.

"You're grounded." He lightly chuckled, pushing the cart back to the check out area, "You can't ground me?" He turned to me, raised eyebrows and all, "you wanna bet on that?"

"Nah I'm good." I shook my head, "Start checking out." He mumbled to me as he ruffled through his coat pockets for his wallet. I started to check out, beeping leaving the machine.

"Done." I stepped back, letting him quickly pay as I lifted the bags for it to go into the cart. "I wonder who's present she'll like more." I muse, side eying him as his eyebrows furrowed, "Mine, I'm her brother." He said as if it wasn't even a question. "We'll see." I said quiet, and slow.

I pushed the cart, leaping onto its back as it drove into the parking lot, "Don't hit any cars." Mike called. "I'll make sure to hit yours first." I exclaim,swerving it till it pushed to his car, stopping right in front of the trunk.

"Hurry up." I groan as he sped walked past me, unlocking the trunk and popping it open. "Go get in the car, I'll put everything away." I nodded, making my way to the front seat to sit in it.

After a few minutes he finally came into the car after putting the cart away, "She won't come back for another two hours because of daycare school, so you'll have enough time to bake the cakes and I'll have enough time to pick up a few things and wrap the presents, or put them in bags.

I hummed, "Alright, makes sense." I shrug, stretching my arms out to reach over to change the music he played when he first got in.

"Don't you dare, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts her cake hole." He grumbled, turning up the music as he snapped a finger at me. I turned to him with a slightly shocked face, hurt written all over it. "Have you been watching supernatural without me..?" I said slowly, before frowning and crossing my arms.

"Dick." I grumble, "language." He responded, pulling into the driveway, slowly before stopping the car, "Scram." I huff, getting out and grabbing the bags and made my way inside.

When I got inside I put all the materials I needed out onto the counter, pulling out bowls and mixing materials before starting to make the cake.


"Uh oh.." I cringe, frosting everywhere on my hands as I kept trying to fix the cake to say happy birthday. "God damn it." I whine, stomping my foot as if that'll do anything. "haapyyyy Birthddaee." I sounded it out slowly, That's good enough, right? "I don't think she will care that it's spelt wrong.. it's gonna be eaten whether or not." I huff, stepping back to toss away anything I've used or finished, setting things into the sink before watching my hands and the bowls and utensils I've used.

"I'm back." Mike called out, "In here!" I exclaim, wiping down the counter, "Do you have to go back to school? What is this spelling." He stared at me, slightly wide eyed in shock, "there wasn't enough space." I shrug, "stop being a hater." I huff, setting a cover on the cake.

"Coraline!" Abby squealed, running past Mike to hug my waist, a bright grin on her face. "Hi Abby." I smile, ruffling her hair, "look, I made your cake, I pointed to it, before picking up the plate it was on and setting it on the table. "Woah..." Abby's eyes practically sparked in delight. "Hold on-" Mike said, walking over with a box of candles, setting 11 candles in the cake. "What... you're eleven?!" I exclaim, my eyes holding shock in my eyes, "Jesus you're old." I pressed my fingers against her arms, poking her multiple times, making her laugh.

"Gosh, you're a big girl now Abby." Mike teased, "We might have to get rid of your stuffed animals." Mike nudged me slightly, "Yeah, we gotta take them away and give them to young girls."

"Noo." Abby exclaimed, "you can't." She dramatically moved back till she went to the living room, before dramatically falling into the couch. "Alright, who's ready for presents?" I cheer, making Abby yell in excitement, "Hold it," Mike spoke, raising his hand, making us freeze.

"We have a surprise guest." He said slowly, before walking over and opening the door once a knock rang out, before he slowly opened it.

"Vanessa!" The two of us, Abby and me, ran to Vanessa, hugging her tightly, "Did I come on time?" She mused, raising her arms that were carrying Abby's gifts. "Right on time." Mike said, "Come on, everybody sit, it's time to sing." Mike grinned, stepping back to move to the light switch as he motions to me and tthe cake as I walk over, Vanessa and Abby sitting down.

I light the eleven candles, and in sync, Mike turns off the lights as we all sit. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." our singing rang out in the room as Abby giggled, eyes flickering to all three of us happily as she kicked her feet.

After the song, Abby closed her eyes and blew out her candles, a large gummy smile residing on her face as Mike turned on the lights, Vanessa plucking out candles and setting them on a paper plate.

"You wanna cut the cake?" Mike asked Vanessa, extending a knife. Vanessa slightly, barely flinching, but still gripped the knife in a tight grip, before cutting a semi small but large enough piece for the eleven year old, and putting it on Abby's plate, before cutting everyone their piece before setting the knife down.

"Alright, dig in!" Abby squealed, gripping her fork at a tight grip, shoving cake into her mouth, "Mmm... so good." She said happily, frosting around her mouth as the two adults laughed lightly.

I didn't but smiled big, a large piece of cake in my mouth that I was working on, chewing it and swallowing. Once we finished our cake pieces, Mike set the cake cover onto the cake, before setting it in the fridge. "Alright, presents!" Abby got up from her chair, running to the living room which was only a few feet away from the kitchen.

I followed Vanessa into the living room, sitting down next to her. "Start ripping them open." Vanessa called to Abby, "No, first, check if there's a card." Mike side eyed Vanessa as Abby eagerly checked for the card, "Thank you Vanessa." She smiled brightly before opening the gift, it was a box full of Barbie dolls. "Yes! I wanted this!" Abby exclaimed, before reaching over to grab my present I got for her.

"Markers— and a— OH MY GOD!!" She squealed, hugging the expensive markers and coloring book. "Thank you!" She got up and ran to hug me, making me smugly look at Mike as he blankly stared at me, before chuckling.

"Open mine." He pointed to the large box. Abby ran over to it, tearing the wrapping paper, "a Barbie— DREAMHOUSE!?" Hee head snapped back and forth to Mike and the doll house. "It's yours." He motioned to it.

"You two were in kahoots this entire time..?" I said, voice cracking in disbelief. "Of course we were in kahoots." He teased, exclaiming with a smug grin, like the one I gave him.

"Thank you, thank you Mike!" She giggled, climbing onto the couch to give him a tight hug. "This is my favorite birthday, Ever!"

I'll be making more filler chapters like this, they aren't connected to the movie at all or lore, just for fun.

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