01. Welcome to Freddys!

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˚₊‧✩*ੈ-welcome to freddys!-*ੈ✩‧₊˚


"I'm home!" Her voice cut through the silence of the sprawling, empty house, resonating with an air of determination. With a muttered sigh, she ascended the staircase to her room and firmly shut the door behind her. Frustration lingered in her voice as she mumbled, "Of course they're gone," her breath huffing with exasperation. She then dragged herself over to her desk, gazing out the window at the surroundings, but her eyes were unwaveringly fixed on the abandoned pizzeria.

After a brief moment of contemplation, she shook her head, and crawled into bed, even if it was early.


She couldn't lie to myself. Coming here felt like finally reaching that itch She'd been trying to scratch in multiple places but never been able to find it. It's why she found herself there at 4 am, of all times, standing behind the fence by a bush.

"God, this place is a dump," she grumbled under her breath. She contorted her body to squeeze through a gap in the fence, wincing when her clothes or skin got caught at any of the broken wire and barb, dragging her bag along with her while staying mindful of the surveillance cameras. She soon found herself facing a garage-like door, her jacket covered arms rubbing against each other to ward off the chilly breeze. "For a place that's supposed to be abandoned, it sure has tight security." She said with blatant sarcasm, tugging her hat closer.

Placing her bag on the ground, she unzipped it and retrieved a can of vibrant purple spray paint. With a few vigorous shakes, she popped the cap and let the vivid purple paint flow onto the garage door, creating an intricate pattern as it dripped down.

Lost in the rhythm of her thoughts, she continued to paint the building, her headphones clicking into place and connecting to her Walkman, or her mothers since nobody will buy anything for her so of course she had to go snoop to at least find something to have as her own, flooding her senses with music.

Bell Biv DeVoe
0:00 —————- 3:55
<——        | |        ——>

Mumbling softly to the beat of her music, she bobbed her head in rhythm. "Can't get it outta my head... Miss her, kiss her, love her. That girl is-" BANG. An abrupt, random crashing noise pierced the air, jolting her to a freeze as she paused her spray painting. "Jesus," she uttered, her voice tinged with surprise. She swiftly removed her headphones and stashed the spray paint can into her bag. "The hell was that?" She walked around the building to more of the back, where it came from. "Its just trash cans and the back doors.." she mumbled, jokingly shaking the doorknob, thinking it would be locked.

"Huh... who the hell leaves the door unlocked... if it's supposed to be this secure, shouldn't all doors be locked up?" Her face twisted in confusion as she approached the unguarded door. With cautious determination, she gradually pushed it open, revealing a dark hallway. "Huh," she muttered to herself, her brow furrowing.

From the back pocket of her bag, she took out a flashlight. "Let's hope it works," she sighed, giving it a few hard shakes. Relief washed over her as a bright beam of light emerged, cutting through the darkness. "Thank god, I'd thought id have to walk into darkness." she shined her flashlight around the halls, starting to walk through everything. "I didn't think this place could be so big.." she mumbled, before finally coming out into the main area, "Holy shit, this place is like an arcade.. do they not know how much money they could make by selling this stuff?" She gaffed, wiping her sweatshirts sleeve on the window glass of a game.  "Gross..." Pure dust, and grime, of course was on her hoodie sleeve now.

She turned around, shining her flashlights on curtains that covered the stages, "I wonder..." She peeked through the curtains, showing... Animatronics..? "That's awesome.." she breathed in amazement. "Why on earth would anybody abandon these things," she mumbled, her voice tinged with confusion, as she carefully maneuvered and climbed past the hefty curtain.

The flashlight's beam moved across the animatronics as she studied them, eventually coming to a halt at the chicken animatronic. "Woah... my mom's spoken about this place, but I never believed her about the animatronics," she chuckled softly. She glanced at her wristwatch, the digital numbers reading '4:30' causing her to huff.

Her attention then shifted to a cupcake prop, and a warm smile curled her lips as she gently patted the fake cupcake's head, as if it were a pet, before wiping around its mouth as it had something rusted on it, she didn't mind on getting her sweatshirt sleeve dirty anymore, she could just wash it later when it is fully day time. "Cute..." Her gaze wandered from the cupcake to the bunny animatronic. She took a step closer to inspect it, her voice lowering as she mumbled, "What's that...?" Her eyes focused on a dark spot on the bunny's face, near its nose. With an screwed expression, she balanced on her tiptoes and reached out to wipe the crusted blemish away. "God they're huge.." She huffed.

She inspected the dark smudge on her sleeve for a moment, before brushing it off her sleeve as it crumbled away, shrugged, and then made her way off the stage. "God, this place is a wreck," she muttered as she surveyed the disarray. "What the hell did they do to it?" She let out a frustrated huff and proceeded to exit the main area, heading directly into the room she assumed was the kitchen, where various items were thrown across the floor.

She only walked around for about ten minutes, going into the spare closets and taking some plushies of the main attractions from the prize corner before freezing and ducking into the kitchen as footsteps just walked straight by her, and to the main entrance of the place before she heard a door open, and two voices, one male and female. She quickly checked the time, "5:00" Leaving, definitely leaving, probably the guard here who, I'm assuming just got the job,  should do some dusting and lock up for once.

She quickly fleeted back outside, putting a piece of small unnoticeable cloth between the door so that even if it closed and somebody unlocked it, she would still be able to get back in before She quickly snuck to the front, and moved off to the side of the fence to quickly get back out, before finally, leaving the buildings premises, but not before she cast one last lingering gaze at the building, her eyes homing in on the police car. She huffed and turned around and quickly made her way back home, her bag weighted down due to the plushed animals on her back.



Im going to be doing short chapters for right now until i get the whole plot thing sorted out. And i hope you guys enjoy this chapter and the upcoming ones, but dont be a silent reader! let me know what you think :D. ALRIGHTY, till the next one stinkers, and its going to be in first person because this chapter was more of a starting off kinda thing.

𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍' 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 , 𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now