03. Freddys wonderland

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˚₊‧✩*ੈ - Freddy's wonderland - *ੈ✩‧₊˚


Well, as I'm being poked and prodded at, seemingly tickled, the child somehow joined in on being tickled, or was dragged in by the bear. Her loud screams and squeals FINALLY seemed to alert the security guard who from what I could hear quickly ran in, "Abby?" The animatronics slowly put me down, while the large bear stepped forward as from me stretching my head around the chicken, i could see him holding a chair, as if it would do much to an animatronic robot.

I watched as the bear, Freddy, stepped forward, from what i could tell was its best way of being menacing and it worked, and the security guard.. Mike, on his name tag, backed off, with terrified, wide eyes.

"Mike!" Abby, giggled and ran towards what i could assume was her brother, in which, stupid to bring your sister to a place with large fucking robots, but who am i to say something, I've broken in like three times.

But i noticed, Abby went away from me and the three large and scary animatronics, "noo.. come back.." i weakly mumbled, not even trying to fight as i was still held in the chickens arms tightly like a stuffed animal. "They wouldn't stop tickling me and Delilah, we were going to die," That seemed to set off alarms in his head as he looked past the bear to see a teenager with a bunny mask, stuck in Chica's arms. I struggled to, but did raise my arm and wave weakly. 

God these robots smell bad, I'm not even paying attention to the conversation, these robots need to be washed, i know their owner abandoned them but its still disgusting to not at least come back to clean up. Isn't like illegal's to like, leave dirty cluttered things- like what hoarders do?

"Freddy, this is my brother mike, and if you weren't fully introduced to Delilah.." She waved for me to come over, and i tossed my arms up, and was finally let go from the chicken, making me stumble before catching myself before i hit the ground. "Goddamn it..." Grumbling i step forward, side stepping the bear and going towards the security guy more. "Mike, Freddy, meet Delilah! we just met before this." she smiled to me but i merely stared, with a blank, but hopefully sad look.

"Abby what is this..." He still looked horrified, holding onto the chair as he looked back and forth between the six of us, mostly the large animal-like creatures. "Come on, i want you to meet the others." She smiled and walked to the other three, which is when i leaned in to speak up, "Don't trust them, they have really strong grips." I whisper to him, which he gives me a weird look. 

"I'm sorry Abby, but hold on-- Who are  you?" he turned his head to me. "A teenager whos being held against her will who really wanted a bonnie mask." I spoke, my voice tired. "I'm in pain, those things have a disregard to human body feelings, they were practically sticking their fingers and clawing at me." I harshly whisper, side eyeing the bear to my best ability.

"No-no where the hell are your parents." he snapped, his hands coming up to gesture back and forth to the door. "Uhh... probably at work or sleeping for how late it is, but not at my home, at their other homes, with their other lovers." I joke, but it was bland, and made.. Mike? look more horrified. 

"Mikey, that's bad language, they don't like that you use that." Abby spoke up, and i side eyed mike, "You sure she's not some mentally ill schizophrenic patient that your looking after?" I whisper hopefully, and he looked to me and shook his head, before stepping forward with me in tow, setting the chair down.

"Mike this is bonnie, foxy, and Chica.. everyone, this is mike." she looked back and forth between everybody, "You already know Delilah." "This-This is a joke right?" Mike stammered, looking in circles between the animatronics. "God i wish.." i groan underneath my breath, "At least they DONT know you that well..." i mumble to him, making the animatronics look to me. "I was just playing-" i spoke, stepping back, letting the other two people speak.

"There's someone here... there's someone here controlling them right..?" Mike went in circles, looking for something, somebody to maybe be controlling them, but sadly there was not, "Okay- good joke." He called out, as if somebody would answer, "Congratulations, you got me, you can come out now... Hello?" He tossed his hands up as he kept going in circles. 

"How does he not get dizzy.." My eyes flicker to Abby, and she shrugs at me. He slowly turns back around, his expression hard to decipher other than the normal emotions, fear, horror, terror. "Its okay mike." Abby said in that 'calm little tone of hers'. Sometimes i wish harming a child was legal, its not that Abby herself angers me, its just that she's too young to understand the horror of the situation, see if she was older, shed be terrified of like 8 foot tall creatures blankly staring at you with no full emotion, And i was at least 5'1-5'5 so i truly couldn't tell you how horrifying this was.

"You just got to play." Nah.. Nu-uh, I don't wanna. I took a step back and far away from Chica, towards Mike rather than anything else. "What's the bird doing.-- Did it just wink.." I gasped from under my breath, which was coming out in forms of hyperventilation, quick and short. Abby giggled, "We have to go home, come on." Mike didn't keep his eyes off the animatronics, which i moved behind him, making him flick his eyes to me, but it seemed he didn't care as he stuck out an arm in front of me to make me move back with him.

"Hold on." Abby said, pulling out, crayons or a marker and writing something down on a sticky note pad of some sort-- which, why the hell would a, 6-10 year old carry that? "They really like pictures." Good for them, actually, great for them. "Hey- how about we listen to your brother y'know-- cause i like sunrises, and ones coming soon, and i feel like if we don't leave to see it now, we wont ever." I lightly joke, flinching more behind the young adult as the animatronics heads snap to me. "Neverminded--..."

Abby handed the heart drawn note to bonnie. "Alright that i give kudos too, adorable." Mike turned towards me slightly and i raise my palms in the air. "Hey buddy, that's a big bunny.." I whisper. He shook his head and turned back to the others.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, so did Delilah, thank you for playing with us." She turned towards me slightly as if expecting something, and so did the other animatronics, but slowly, very slowly. 

"Yeah, Thank you guys!." I nervously giggled, thankful that the mask i wore hid my expression. "Okay Abby come on." He gestured for Abby to follow, outstretching his hand, which Abby ignored as she ran to hug Freddy.

I couldn't like, i really wanted to hug the bunny, because he's like- unnaturally soft, but i think that's because when they were designing the animatronics they were made to be soft and fluffy for the children's comfort.

I couldn't help but audibly aww as Freddy hugged Abby back, slowly- laughing as Freddy and mike had a stare off, causing Freddy to slowly look towards me, making me wave, mostly in slight fear that if i didn't id get eaten. "Byee.." Abby grabbed my hand and mikes and we quickly made out way out. "Bye." I called out shortly back, because i was not trying to get on an animatronics bad side. The minute we got outside, i got on my hands and knees and just sat on the ground, taking deep breaths.

The two watched and mike tried to go to the car with Abby connected in his hand but she stood firm, staring at me, before looking sadly back at mike as if i was a homeless puppy needed to be brought home. "Please.." She whispered to Mike, "She can stay with me."

"Are you kidding me, she's a stranger--" Abby looked as if she was going to cry, tears filling up, so mike groaned. "Kid- Hey, you got a place to sleep for tonight..?" I didn't snow if i wanted to spend the night alone in a empty house with nothing to protect me, as i lived closely to this Pizzeria, and my parents probably set up the locked doors and set alarms so i wouldn't be able to get back in without being boobytrapped. 

"Uh.. No..?" My voice came out as a questionable tone, but Mike groaned either way, "Fine Abby she can come..." He whispered the first part to Abby quietly. "If you don't, you can stay with me and uh.. Abby." He outstretched a hand to my sitting form on the ground and i took his hand, taking the help up as i stood. I said a quiet thank you and we all piled into his car, and i went back home with them.

God, i really was easy to kidnap wasn't i?

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