Chapter 1 - First and only Girl

Start from the beginning

You mumble that it's okay before turning to the approaching boy. It's the boy that lifted you up from the box.

"This is Liam." Alby introduces him when he walks up. The said boy staring at your face again with an unreadable expression.

"Greenie." Liam nods to you and you frown confused.

Alby chuckles.

"That's what Liam calls every newcomer." Alby tells you then turn to Liam. "Come on Liam, she's a girl, be a gentleman."

Liam shrugs, looking back at you.

"Green bean." He then calls you and you can't help but chuckle. Making Liam eyes widen slightly in surprise.

Alby smiling brightly at the two of you, having known Liam longer he sees that look he tries to hide under his blank stare. He had never seen it before but to him it looked like his best friend was thinking this girl was the most beautiful thing to walk this planet.

And he was right. Liam was staring at you in awe as you laughed. He hadn't tried to make you laugh, but man was he glad he got to hear that sweet sound leave your lips. Now he was thinking about your lips. He shakes his head internally to snap out of it. You were just the first girl he had ever met, he tried to defend himself in his head. From what he could remember anyway, which was nothing from before coming up this box, like everyone else.

"Liam and I are kinda in charge around here, you know, to keep order until we figure out more." Alby inform you.

"No, Alby is in charge." Liam corrects. Alby rolls his eyes. "More like second in command?"

Alby shrugs, agreeing.

"Point is, if I'm not around, he's in charge." Alby tells you and you nod in understanding.

"Well, it's a good thing you're always around, then." Liam says.

Alby chuckles and shakes his head.

"I came up first, then Liam a month after, then the rest of the boys you saw earlier. You'll meet them later, we'll make a bonfire or something." Alby says looking to Liam who shrugs, agreeing on the bonfire.

Your eyes widen when you realise what he said.

"You were here alone for a month?" You ask him.

He looks down sadly and nods. Liam puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes it.

"Have you told her?" Liam then asks.

"Uh, no. Not yet." Alby says.

"Tell me what?" You ask.

"It's just that.. don't go into the Maze. Alright?" Liam tells you.

"Why?" You ask. "I mean, other than I might get lost. You seem uneasy about it. What's wrong?"

"It just that a few days ago, a boy went into the Maze and didn't come back." Alby tells you and you gape at him.

"What do you mean he didn't come back? He found a way through or something?" You ask and they two guys glance at each other a bit uneasy.

"No. He didn't make it." Alby then says sadly.

"What do you mean, he didn't make it!?" You raise your voice a bit, becoming uneasy again, glancing around.

"Those doors." Liam points and you follow his direction to see a huge gate. "They close every evening and open again the next morning. He was stuck out in the Maze for the night."

"He's just lost then, you haven't gone looking for him?" You ask. "You can't know if he didn't make it if you didn't go look for him."

"We just know. Okay?" Liam says trying to calm you, not wanting to upset you more by telling you what they found.

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