
Two years later...........

A solitary cabin stood in the heart of the Irish countryside, nestled among ancient woods that whispered secrets and mysteries. It was an escape from the bustle of the nearby city, a lonely embrace of the misty forest.

The world around the cabin was cloaked in a thick fog on this particular day. The air was damp, and the atmosphere weighed heavy with the scent of moss and earth. The girl sat on the wooden porch, her gaze fixed upon the mist-draped trees that stood like silent sentinels, guarding the secrets of the woods.

Her thoughts were a whirlwind, reflecting the turbulent years that had brought her to this moment. She pulled her woolen shawl closer around her shoulders, seeking warmth and comfort as she contemplated the chapters of her life that had unfolded in rapid succession.

The fog clung to the trees like veils of forgotten memories, and as the dampness settled upon her skin, it mirrored the tears that had fallen in the darkest hours of her journey. She thought of the trials and tribulations, the joys and sorrows, the loves and losses that had marked her path.

In the distance, a raven cawed, its mournful call adding to the eerie ambiance of the day. The cabin seemed to huddle closer to the earth as if it bore the weight of the girl's thoughts.

A voice met her ears, but she did not want to be disturbed. She was at peace after so long. No more watching over her shoulder or worrying about when someone would walk inside without her permission.

Closing and opening the doors was a luxury she longed for. Initially, she would open and close them just for fun. It was her way of freedom. Something she had never gotten to do before.

"Rilley," Autumn called for April. She did not answer. "April," Autumn called again. Anxiety rose in her veins, imagining the worst.

"April," she yelled louder. April came running inside.

"Why are you yelling, Atty?" she got up, unwrapped her shawl, and folded it neatly, placing it on the chair.

"Where were you?" Autumn pulled April into a hug.

"In the clouds," April countered, and Autumn rolled her eyes. "Where else would I be? I was watching that raven and these woods," she pointed to the bird, and Autumn's eyes followed the bird.

"Look at it," April smiled, and Autumn looked at April's calm face. "How calm and beautiful that bird is."

"It is beautiful and calm. Something I have longed to see," Autumn wasn't talking about the bird. April stood there staring at the calm woods while Autumn stared at her sister. Two years have passed since they escaped. In these two years, Autumn would wake up with anxiety every day. Her heart would pound every time they went to sleep, fearing that April would disappear the following day. But for this minute, she let go of the anxiety she experienced, and for one moment, she allowed herself to feel the peace that the moment had offered.

A lot has happened in these two years. It was hard for her to settle in Ireland, not because of money. Zyler had paid her well. Her parents gave her a tough time. They insisted on staying back in England. But Autumn stood her ground. She did not let them bully her into staying back in England.

They moved to Ireland, and when Autumn brought her parents to see April, her father collapsed in shock, and her mother lost her capability to speak. It took a few hours to recover from the shock. And when they did, it was like a reservoir after the flood. They wept, holding April's unconscious body. Day after day, night after night, her parents waited for her to wake up.

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