chapter 10: love bird's

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Elizabeth Olsen as claire

OK now if you take this hallway you will arrive in our small theater. Where you will begin your tour of our island with our amazing behind the scenes on how these amazing creature are brought back from extinction said the female tour guide. The group of people then left for the hallway with them filled with excitement and smiles of joy, then the woman smiled at the group then looked at her watch to see it's her end of her shift.Then she look looked up to see another female employee walking up, right on time Emma she said smiling, and always will be Claire said Emma with a proud look on her face. So what's on your schedule today asked Claire, well I'm in charge of the dinosaur nursery tour and then giving another of here she said remembering her schedule, and I'm really excited for this tour cause it's a tour group from Japan so it's a perfect chance to finally use my Japanese she said smiling. You've really been practicing and you are really good at speaking it said Claire, thanks said Emma, so going to visit your boyfriend said Emma teasingly, so what if I am she said smugly the two laughed together at their responses to each other.

OK well enjoy your shift said Claire smiling the walking toward the stair case. Emma waved goodbye then walked to the group of people waiting at the entrance, walking through the employee hallway she turned the corner  and walked down the stairs with a sign above saying "control room".she walked down and went through the long hallway passing the big circular window looking into the control room she then stood infront of the door entrance and she took her ID and pressed it against the ID scanner and the door beeped an the light on the scanner turned green. The large metal door opened and she walked in the room which was busy as usual with people checking computer, check the weather stations and other important things.

She smiled when she found the person she was looking for. Richard she called the man turned around and smiled, Claire honey what are you doing here he said walking up to her in gulfing her into a hug and kissing her on her cheek. Just finished my shift and I just wanted to see what your doing said Claire with her arm around Richard's waist, well I just watch my boy's on the jeep tour and seeing them have fun said Richard looking over at the screen showing his sons. He then looked at Claire, so you nervous about Tonight? He asked, a little but I'm sure they will be very happy to see us together and see how happy we make each said Claire looking at Richard with love in her eyes. He smiled and gave a kiss on the lips, I love you he said resting his forehead against hers, I love you too she said her cheek turning red then the two separated and Richard went back to the computer monitor. So where on the tour are they now? She asked and he looked at the tour route on the screen, it looks like they are about to reach the Tyrannosaurus paddock he said and typed on the keyboard and the screen switch back to the tour car tracking to see how far they were from each enclosure.

It look like they are having a blast she said looking at them through the screen. So how was today? Asked Richard leaning against his desk, it was fine gave two tours one in the visitor center and second in the nursery then I helped the medical team track our sick ankylosaurus with hook worms. Gross so is she OK? Asked Richard, yes we treated her with medicine to kill those hook worms we will go and check on her again tomorrow, then her pager she had on her belt loop on her pants began to beep she uncliped it an read the message on the device."need assistance at aviary" well it looks like they need me at the aviary she said getting up from her seat, so it looks like I'm going to be a little late for dinner. That's OK we will wait for you to get back said Richard with a smile, she smiled back and gave him a kiss on the lips, I love you she said then walked towards the exit, love you too he said waving good bye then Richard returned to the screen to see the tour car's are just entering the tunnel leading to the t-rex paddock he smiled for he can not wait to see his kid's reaction to this creature.

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