the prologe

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Breaking through the dark stormy cloudy sky rays of sunshine shine through. On the island of Isla nublar and this island is no ordinary island this is where a very special theme park is being build. Jurassic park is this name and in this park are prehistoric animals that's right I'm talking about dinosaurs. These creatures were brought back with  prehistoric blood inside mosquitoes stuck inside of prehistoric tree sap or amber. This would not be possible if not for the genetics company known as ingen owned by John Hammond who the creator of jurassic park.

He had a dream of bringing these creatures back from prehistoric times. He wanted to give people a chance to see these marvelous dinosaurs roam the earth again, so he inquired a Island off the coast of coasta Rica where he and his team from ingen began their project.They began building a safari style resort in early 88 and finished construction in the summer of 93 and the dinosaur which where brought back by the amazing scientists of ingen led by the amazing dr.henry wu and his team.Where put into the park with only seven spices to open the island with but more to be added in the future.

But there was an incident that happened that caused a death of a worker. Due one of the conivore and the  legal team began raising questions whether the island is safe to open. Soon John had to prove to them they the park is safe and he said he would bring and expert team of paleontologist and other fields of prehistoric research to review and exspect the island for it's security and structure. The people on the team are dr.Alan Grant, Dr.Ellie Sattler two well know paleontologist and paleobonist and John's lawyer Mr. Donald genero also brought famous chaos mathtistion Dr. Ian Malcom.

Also john invited his two grandchildren Tim and lex Murphy. So they really get reaction from the target audience, once arriving on the Hammond introduce them the marvelous dinosaurs of jurassic park. The team was mind blown   they couldn't believe that they were standing close to dinosaurs. Soon the went to the hub center of the park the visitor center were they took a educational tour on how they brought them back from extinction visiting the lab and seeing some really hungry carnivores in their enclosure. After a very important lunch meeting that really didn't make John happy, but soon after his grandchildren arrived.

He thought the park jeep tour would change their minds. But in the midst of all this excitement there was a espionage scheme in the works all being set up by a very digrunted computer programmer named Dennis nedry. He plans to steal embryos of dinosaurs to sell to and enemy company biosyn to get the money he said is not getting from Hammond. His plan began by shutting down the park power system which means all security cameras off and he successfully stole all of the current seven spices embryos.

Then he fleas the scene thinking he has succeeded. But his plans where foiled when the team at the visitor center found out his plan but there was a bigger situation. All the park fences were off and the tour cars were stuck outside of the Tyrannosaurus Rex paddock, and now the need a plan to save his grandchildren and the team, but also stop nedry. So the group decided to split up ellie and Mouldoon go to save the group on the tour, and Hammond and Arnold go after nedry. And this is where our story begins

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