chapter 6: the jurassic adventure tour

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Soon max and harry with Jeff and Henry reached the double doors. It had a sign above with orange lettering and lit with lights saying " JURASSIC adventure tour" they exited and saw a nice pathway lay with palm-trees and fountain with water shooting upwards. They walked up to be in the line of people waiting for the tour luckily it wasn't that long, so how long is the tour? Asked harry as they waited in line, well this tour is about 3 hour tour it's a pretty big island and the enclosure are huge said Henry. Man I can believe you guy's brought all of these dinosaur back said max leaning on the guard rail along the line, yeah the process if very Titus and we have to make sure the genome is at a higher percentage said Henry. Yeah if we birth a dinosaurs at a low genome percentage the species would have a many complications like sickness or life shortness said Jeff the line soon shortened and the four were next in line the inside of the tour build looked like a Rollercoaster load in but instead of Rollercoaster cart they were jeeps.

Then two jeep rangers cars arrived into the building from the exit tunnel.

Then two employees in pink polo shirt with khaki shorts and both wearing jurassic park hat's walked up to the car's

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Then two employees in pink polo shirt with khaki shorts and both wearing jurassic park hat's walked up to the car's. They opened the door and the people from those car's exited, we hoped you enjoy you jurassic adventure said the female employee smiling, please make sure you have all your belongings and please exit on the left hand side please said the male employee. The people leave were family with kid's filled with joy and as they were leaving the kid were non stop talking about the tour, the pterodactyl wings were huge said one kid, I really like the triceratops and the t-rex said a little girl holding her father hand. OK next group please remember four to five to a car said the female employee soon max and harry hurried into the first car with henry and jeff behind them and a family of five got into the second car.

This is nice said harry as he took his spot in the passenger seat. The inside of the car was nice and clean with the plexiglass see-through roof and the soft patted seats, a CD roam touch screen and a back compartment where emergency supplies are available if needed. Quick question asked max who was sitting in the driver's seat, who is driving? He asked, Henry chuckle there is no driver he said, these car are electric they run along the metal track on the rode. Max and harry leaned upwards looking out the front windshield to the ground to a thin metal track on the road, you see this was John's idea he wanted to make sure that there would be no pollution of any kind said Jeff, everything in this park is powered by all Natural resources he finished smiling. That amazing it really cool that he cares for the environment said harry then there was a sound of the engine starting and then the car's began driving forwards, alright here go said max smiling ear to ear.

The car's drove out of the tour building and they reached the front of the visitor center. They saw the main street filled with guest and then the car's drove all the into the jungle behind the visitor center. Then the CD roam turned on an a voice came on, welcome ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us on the jurassic adventure tour it said. The tour car's drove through the beautiful lush jungle for about seven minutes then the CD roam turned on again, during most of the tour the information will be automatically selected and displayed for you said the tour guide. Simply touch the area of the screen showing the appropriate icon, Hey look said harry drawing everyone attention up front.

Ahead of them on the road stood a huge double wooden door gate. With the sign "JURASSIC PARK" above the doors With small fire bits on the side pillars.

 With the sign "JURASSIC PARK" above the doors With small fire bits on the side pillars

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Ladies and gentlemen welcome to jurassic park. Then the huge wooden doors opened and the tour car's drove through, with harry and max looking up through the see-through roof with smiles on their faces. Once the car's went through the doors closed behind them and everyone knew that they are going on a journey they will never forget.

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