Enemies to lovers

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"oh piss off jacob" i snapped as he kept sending me glares from across the other side of the room making my cousin look at me and pull a confused face.

"what's going on now?" my cousin asked me raising an eyebrow looking between me and Jacob.

Basically jacob out of no where just started being a dick to me for no reason. He was friends with my older cousin but he and I used to get along quite well and were quite close to the point I caught feelings for him. And then one day he just acted like I didn't exist and started hating me out of no where. I was never sure why but I had learned to kind of deal with it since he had being doing it for like six months now.

So now we just absolutely bully the fuck out of each other with no real reason why.

"your friend won't stop glaring at me." I said rolling my eyes looking back at my phone.

"oh please as if! why would I want to look at you? your disgusting face might traumatise me forever." Jacob scoffed and I just ignored him.


A little while later and jacob was getting on my last nerve. "don't leave me here with this idiot" i said to my cousin who had to go to the store.

"I won't be long just get along for an hour." my cousin said before walking out of the house leaving us two alone.

I was walking back to the front room when jacob walked past me and barged me out of the way almost making me fall over at how hard he barged me.

I just so managed to quickly reflex by putting my foot in front of us which he didn't expect so he ended up falling over making me burst into laughter.

I saw anger rush onto his face making me grin before running to the living room hearing him run behind me. I just jumped onto the couch and noticed his phone on the other side so I quickly grabbed it and shoved it into my pocket before he entered the room.

I just laid down pretending to act normal.

He glared and sat down before saying "loser"


I was laid watching tv on the couch for about five minutes until Jacob had noticed that his phone had disappeared.

I glanced at him seeing him look around for it making me let out a laugh before pulling the phone out of my pocket and saying "looking for something?"

He looked at me and his eyes darkened before he said "give it to me."

"come get it loser." I said before hiding it behind my back so he couldn't get it.

He crawled on top of me which shocked me and was hovering above me trying to get his phone. I didn't know what to think. All I wanted was to just kiss him right there and then.

"stop being a bitch and give it to me" he said still trying to get it.

"fuck you" i said holding the phone tighter in my hand behind my back.

He stopped trying to get it him breathing heavily on top of me before looking into my eyes. Just then he leaned down quickly and smashed his lips on mine. He moved his hand to the side of my face and deepened the kiss.

I sunk into the kiss straight away and moved my arms over his shoulders pulling him closer when I heard "what the fuck?" making the both of us pull apart and look to the direction of the voice to see my cousin.

"what are you doing here..I thought you were going to the store.." i said as Jacob moved from on top of me and sat next to me.

"yeah well I uh forgot the money? seems like you two are getting along now" my cousin said letting out a little laugh.

"shut up" i said before looking away.

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