Love notes

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"there's another one! another stupid love note in my locker!" i exclaimed in confusion as I look to my two best friends.

The past few weeks I had been finding little love notes or small gifts in my locker. They had like little poems or compliments on them and yesterday I had a rose in there. Don't get me wrong it was cute but it was quite creepy..

"it's so creepy.." my friend bella said pulling a disgusted face.

I shrugged and said "it's kinda cute though"

"I wonder who it could be" my other friend jasmine said looking around.

"well read it! what does it say?" bella said raising an eyebrow curiously.

I slowly unfolded it and read it out loud.

When I see you,
Your eyes sparkle while you say hi with
the sweetest voice in the world.

When I see you,
My heart skips a beat.

I thought I'd give you a hint so you could
try and figure out who I am. I have brown eyes.

"brown eyes!? what sort of hint is that!" I said looking at both of my friends.

They shrugged and said "guess you'll have to wait till tomorrow and hope there's another hint.."

I just rolled my eyes and shoved the note into my pocket before storming off and walking to class. I was fed up with these silly love notes. If this person liked me then why not tell me?


It was the next day and there was yet another note in my locker. I had been up all night trying to think of who it could be. I was clueless.

I had secretly been hoping it was jacob elordi the most popular guy in school since he had brown eyes but I knew it wasn't. It was just impossible even more impossible because he was my twin brothers best friend.

"go on open it" jasmine said excitedly.

I signed and unfolded it before reading it out.

Everything was simple.
Everything was fine.
I knew I couldn't have you.
But you have to be mine.

Here's the big hint since it's been a month
of these notes and you still haven't figured it

Hint: your brother would flip.

Oh my fucking god.

"no way..." i said shaking my head in shock.

"you know who it is right..?" bella said grinning.

"it has to be one of your brothers friends..and Jacob's the only one with brown eyes." jasmine added and honestly I didn't know what to say.

Honestly I had always liked jacob. I mean he was so attractive, had a cute smile, pretty eyes, a cute laugh, an amazing body. Tall. He was really sweet too.

I've liked jacob since we were both kids.

I had to talk to jacob right now.

"I have to talk to him" i said before closing my locker.

"go on! go get your man" they both said.

I walked off and headed to the football changing rooms because that's where jacob would be. I walked to the changing rooms and knocked before walking in. I knew they wouldn't be changing because PE wasn't for half hour and they usually just chill in there.

I walked in and everyone looked at me. "Y/n what are you doing? this in the boys changing rooms!" my brother said walking over to me.

"I need to talk to someone" i said looking at him.

"who?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"jacob right? yeah he told me he loved you." my brother said shaking his head.

"w..what..?" I said in shock that jacob had told my brother knowing my brother wouldn't allow it. Plus he loves me??

"yeah and im cool with it. he's over there" my brother said making me smile before he pointed to the other side of the changing rooms where I looked to see jacob talking to some boy.

"thank you" i said giving him a quick hug before beginning to walk over to jacob ignoring the looks i got from the other boys.

I guess it was weird that a girl was in the boys changing rooms..I didn't care though.

Jacob looked over at me as I walked over to him and let out a small chuckle before standing up.

I stood in front of him and he said "So you finally figured it out huh?"

I just nodded my head.

"your weird. if you liked me then why didn't you just tell me?" I said confused.

He smirked and said "thought I'd have a little fun with it first"

I rolled my eyes and said "of course you did"

"so what do you think? your brothers cool with it and well you know I love you" he said stepping closer to me making me smile.

"I love you too jacob" I replied.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine softly.

Jacob Elordi ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora