More Danger Looms

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On a different part of the world, there stood a large building that resembled a hotel of some kind. All the windows were closed along with the curtains as if to shield whoever was in there from public view, especially in this case, when an invasion was happening. Outside the building, Bulma approached a door leading to the shelter's entrance and knocked lightly on it. The door slowly opened and a woman with black hair tied up in a neat bun poked her head out. A sigh of relief left her lips upon recognition.

"Oh Bulma, thank all that is good, you're safe. I was so worried about you."

Bulma smiled warmly. "I'm sorry, I made you worried sick, Chi Chi. Are my son and daughter okay?"

Chi Chi nodded. "They're both okay. They were mostly scared for your safety but they're safe, along with Goten and the other children." She escorted Bulma inside and closed the door behind her. "They're in the lobby as we speak."

Bulma nodded her thanks to Chi Chi before making her way to the lobby to see her children.

Little feet came running before little arms threw themselves around his mother's legs. "Mom! You're back!" Trunks was in an emotional state of relief. His baby sister, Bulla came crawling along behind him, letting out coos of relief as her mother bent to her children's level to embrace them.

"It's okay, kids. I'm right here now." Bulma comforted them, reassuring them like a warm caring mother would. "I hope you've not been up to any mischief while I was gone."

Chi Chi smiled warmly. "Don't worry. They were as good as gold."

Goten nodded in agreement. "Even Videl helped babysit us while looking after Pan."

Both women nodded, knowing what the young boy meant, looking to Videl holding her baby daughter in her arms. Her father, Hercule stood by his daughter and granddaughter.

"I can't believe what this invasion has done to our world." Videl remarked sadly. "My husband's out there searching for survivors with Piccolo while Goku and Vegeta are fighting those monsters. I hope they make it out of this alive."

"I hope so too."

Meanwhile, Inko was looking out of the window between a crack between the curtains, hoping for her son to return alive and well. She had spoke to him via video call but still, her motherly heart aches for her precious little boy.

"Everything okay, Ms. Midoriya?"

Inko turned to see a teenage boy with multiple layers of magenta and black spiky hair with long blonde pointy locks as a fringe and violet coloured eyes. Standing beside him was another teenager with blonde hair and brown eyes and an old man clad in overalls, his grey spiky hair under a bandana.

"I'm still worried about my little Izuku." Inko sighed sadly. "Ever since those monsters arrived, I can't help but think the worse. My poor boy is out there among others, fighting those creatures."

The old man placed a reassuring hand upon Inko's. "Inko, I know this invasion's taken a toll on us and I know you have every right to worry about your son but you can't lose hope. I was at a loss when Yugi and his friends witnessed the horrors of this invasion. What with the first attack at Kaiba Land."

"Grandpa's right." Yugi added. "But you must know that your son is a hero in training, he's also among other survivors and friends. You could tell by the video call you had with him."

Inko nodded. "You're absolutely right."

"Besides, I know for certain that your kid and his companions will take down those monsters, no problem." The blonde teen added.

Yugi nodded in agreement. "Joey's right. The invasion will be over before you know it. It's always safer to fight in numbers."

"In the meantime, why don't we have a warm cup of tea to calm your nerves?" Suggested Solomon. "You need to stay healthy in times like this."

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