The Safe Place

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The virtual world of U was more than a place from the Internet. It was physically connected to the world of anime and the residents got along very well. Somewhere, hidden in the virtual world was the very destination, the van had set off for.

"Okay guys, we're here." Yusei informed the others, stopping the van and turning off the engine.

Izuku looked out the window. The base of operations looked to be a floating castle that was hidden in U. He was glad that the invaders would never be able to find it, no matter what.

"Come, we better get you to safety." Denji helped Belle out of her seat as Akira opened the van door.

Leaving the van, the group stepped out of the van and headed to the large doors of the castle. Yusei banged his fist upon the surface, hoping someone would answer and let them in.

"Hey! Open up! It's Yusei! We picked up more survivors!"

Slowly, the door opened a crack.

"Stop yelling!" A female voice scolded in a hushed whisper. "You'll draw the monsters."

The door opened to reveal a woman around Yusei's age with fair skin, burgundy hair and brown eyes, wearing a Victorian influenced outfit. Worry was evident in her chocolate orbs as she opened it wider.

"Sorry about this, Akiza, we needed to get inside."

Akiza turned her gaze to the others, having noticed Izuku, Tanjiro and Nezuko. "Are those kids survivors too?"

Jotaro nodded. "We'll ask questions later, now let's get inside, quickly."

Entering the castle, Akiza closed the door behind her, once everyone came in. Inside the main foyer, a small angel came floating down to see the survivors. His little red eyes fell on a certain virtual diva among the group.

"Belle? You're safe." His little voice replied.

A small group of guardian AIs watched onwards.

"She's brought here safely."

"Master, come quick!"

Upon hearing the voice of one the AIs, a large figure, Dragon sauntered his way to the top of the foyer stairs. His eyes, a burning shade of amber fell upon the pink haired beauty who was pulling the hood of her cloak down to see him.

" came back safely."

Belle reached her small slender hands up as he approached her, gently cupping his snout in them, as if to assure him, she was safe from harm. "We found more survivors along the way."

Dragon was very thankful, everyone made it back to his castle safely, as did Angel. "We are very grateful that you returned safely. But the time for idle chat is not now. Eren is waiting for us in the drawing room with the others."

"Please follow us."


Approaching the double doors, Dragon opened them and led everyone into the drawing where three female figures were sitting on couches.

"Chi?" A blonde female persocom with brown eyes and animal-like ears, wearing Lolita styled attire, looked up.

Another female with black hair styled in twin tails stood and peeled out a window, before giving the okay signal. A female oni alien girl with long dark green hair counted the survivors among her.

"You've brought more survivors. That's good." A male figure stepped out of the shadows to face the group. A young man of average height with brown hair down to his neck and eyes, a shade of ocean blue.

"They're all safe, Eren. Even those kids."

"That's good to hear." Eren nodded as everyone gathered around. "Now, to business. The reason why we have gathered in Dragon's castle as our base of operations, is that we need to deal with this crisis that's been happening. It is something to do with the invasion as you can tell by these mysterious swarms and clones of the citizens." The brown haired male turned on a screen.

Sounds of terror were coming from the footage as the survivors watched in horror. It was even worse than what happened back at Kaiba Land.

"But how did this happen?" Asked Belle.

Eren began to explain. "What you see in these swarms are not from this world. The reason behind their invasion is that they are here to serve a dangerous purpose."

"What purpose?" Asked Denji.

Eren's eyes darkened as he prepared to show an image. Whatever it was, he could tell that the survivors would feel a cold stab of fear in them as he answered "To feed their monstrous overlord!"

The image appeared before them and gasps of horror resounded. A creature standing straight and tall, cloaked in darkness with dark soulless eyes and fingers. It was definitely enough to strike fear into anyone.

"Chi..." The blonde persocom shivered in terror.

"It's way worse, Chi." Eren replied. "That creature is the cause of all this. Those invaders are worse than titans. Taking everything from me...Armin..Mikasa..all gone before my eyes..."

Both Dragon and Angel - or Kei and Tomo, as they were known respectively in the real world - hung their heads, knowing the feeling all too well. Earlier not too long ago, their abusive father had fallen victim and became a clone by the invaders. The two brothers had to escape their home, when they were picked up and Jotaro clobbered the clone, smashing a bottle of sake, burning and killing it in the process. Thus, they were now orphans, though thankfully, they were better off without that disgrace of a man who didn't deserve to be called their father.

"What do you reckon we should do about them? Can't all the other anime heroes do something? The Saiyans? The Sailor Scouts? Everyone else?" Asked Izuku.

Eren shook his head. "Apparently they are too caught up in events as they're fighting those swarms. So now, looks like it's up to us."

"Up to us?" Asked Tanjiro.


"But how can we take on those monsters?" Izuku asked, concern evident in his tone. "Who knows how many swarms are out there and how much damage they've caused!"

"Besides, we don't know what other parts of the world, they have targeted!" Added Denji.

"Everyone, I got the map." Angel came fluttering in, holding a large rolled up piece of paper. "This should help determine the creatures' locations."

Laying the map on the table, Dragon spread it on the surface to reveal the locations. Everyone gathered around to take a look.

"Good grief. Looks like we've got tons on invaders on our hands. And I thought enemy Stand users were bad." Jotaro remarked.

"So what do you reckon we should do?" Asked Akira.

"Here's what we'll do." Eren began to explain. "We will split into small groups and head to their location assigned to them. As Dragon and Angel discovered, the invaders' weakness happens to be sake, during their run in with their cloned father. Luckily I have brought a small stash but we might need more. So here's our plan. Lum, Rock, Chi, there is an invasion happening at Oniboshi that needs to be taken care of."

Lum's eyes widened in terror. As much as she loved her current home, there was no way in hell that she would stand by and watch her people fall victim. It worried her more than what would happen to Ataru. She nodded, along with Rock and Chi.

"Izuku, Tanjiro, Nezuko, you come with me to SunMart to stock up on sake. Yusei will be our getaway driver. Jotaro, Akira and Denji will provide backup in case things get messy. Dragon, Belle, Angel, Akiza and the AIs will stay behind to guard the castle. Do you all understand?"

Everyone present gave their nods of accepting their tasks.

"We'll do whatever it takes to take down those invaders." Izuku answered, determination laced in his voice.

Eren gave one final nod in approval. "Good. Now there's no time to lose. Good luck out there."

With that said, the survivors were now on their way. They were in for the biggest mission of their lives, working around the clock to put an end to the invasion.

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